27 Jul 2024
Expat Support
Expat Support Health Mental health

Breaking free from toxic anxiety syndrome

Our inbuilt survival system doesn’t care whether you’re happy or sad. It just wants to keep you alive. And that’s hard work when we are floating in a collective fear-soup and our brains are overwhelmed. We have two smoke alarms in our brain. These ‘amygdala’ are constantly on the lookout for life-threatening danger. They don’t […]

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Expat Support Health Mental health

Navigating Life’s Transitions with Mental Well-being

Being in transit can be hard. I am letting go of one organised and happy existence, the result of hard work and adaptation, to once again move towards the unknown. I am heeding an inner call that trusts the process with more conviction than my own little ego-self feels right now. As I sit here, […]

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Finance Parenting Pregnancy & Baby Work & Money

Maternity & Paternity Leave in Sweden

Sweden has one of the most generous parental leave (föräldraledighet) systems in the world. Parents are given 480 days of leave per child, and 390 of these days are paid at a rate of 80% of your salary up to a capped limited of 1006 SEK a day. If you are coming from the USA, […]

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Expat Support Featured Parenting Pregnancy & Baby Services

Why a Doula is a Must for Birthing Abroad

Having moved from the UK to The Netherlands at the age of 22 with no job, nowhere to live, and a partner who’d never even visited the place, I figured that moving to Sweden thirteen years later would be easy. Sure, I didn’t speak much of the language, but I could understand some, and yes, […]

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Community Parenting

Hoping and coping with cancer – the story of Helene Rennervik

It is a true revelation every time I get the chance to meet people and listen to their life stories. Everyone has been struggling in life, some more, some less. Life doesn’t spare anyone, not even the children. What’s the meaning of it? Who knows the answer? What’s sure is that there are only two ways […]

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Art Community Couples Counselling Expat Support Extraordinary Expats General Counselling Health Services

Art Therapist Emma Ehrenthal explains Art Therapy

What exactly is art therapy and who is it for? We asked Stockholm-based art therapist Emma Ehrenthal to explain to our readers what it is that she really does. As an artist, I am not great with words, I am a visual learner and I love teaching through experiences. But I quickly learned that it was […]

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Community Essentials Expat Support Family Family Activities Getting Around Home Page Articles Moving to Sweden Networking Registering Residency

International Parents Integration Project Stockholm launched

Surprising figures show that over 60%⑴ of expat working immigration assignments fail due to lack of support for the accompanying family. Despite the best intentions of integration projects, business and the families themselves, there is a clear lack of dedicated integration initiatives aimed at this particular demographic. The International Parents Integration Project Stockholm (The IPI […]

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Community Essentials Family Health Parenting

A jaggy issue – vaccines in Sweden

I seem to be talking a lot about chicken pox and vaccines at the moment. I guess it’s the age at which S is. It always comes up in conversation with other parents and S’s class seems to have had at least 3 bouts of chicken pox this winter. Fortunately (or, unfortunately depending on how […]

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Community Education Essentials Expat Support Family Lifestyle Parenting Preschool

Inskolning Diary – day 3

Finally, day 3 … I was exhausted, I knew she was exhausted. But, we didn’t get a phone call (big plus)… …I’ve just dropped S off at förskola to spend the first day on her own. I didn’t even get a wave goodbye! She ran straight into the room waving to everyone. So much for that […]

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Community Education Essentials Expat Support Family Family Activities Parenting Preschool

Inskolning Diary – day 2

Day 2 of our inskolning experience meant that M was stepping up to the plate. Bit of a shocker… …it’s day 1 except everyone apart from me knows exactly what is going on. That is how it felt as we didn’t even know where to put S’s shoes and jacket as we arrived. But luckily […]

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