27 Jul 2024
Community Featured Volunteering

Linnéa Claeson continues to inspire and wins human rights prize

If you have been following any Swedish media at all lately, you can’t have missed Linnéa Claeson with her rainbow-colored hair and inspiringly strong views on important issues. The latest in line to recognize her influence is the UN Association of Sweden, who chose her as the recipient for their annual human rights prize. We […]

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Community Volunteering

Climate March Stockholm

The People’s Climate March was held in at least a thousand cities around the world on April 29th and millions joined in protesting and spreading the message of the realities of the climate change. In Stockholm the people gathered first to hear artist performances and speeches by climate activists. We bring you some pictures from Norra Bantorget […]

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Community Finding a Job Networking Volunteering What's on: Stockholm Work & Money

Join the Your Living City Stockholm Team

Are you a budding writer? Got it and want to flaunt it? Your Living City is looking for Stockholm’s most FABULOUS contributors – and we mean YOU!

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Community Networking Networking Volunteering Work & Money

Open doors to create a future

A person or an organization fighting for integration will not only give you the power to fight, but the hope to dream about something that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise when you’re a foreigner. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs gives us the path for a life fulfilled with harmony. Besides the biological, physiological, safety and love […]

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Essentials Health Online Stores Shopping Starting a business Volunteering

Introducing… John Sjölund, inventor and entrepreneur

Having co-created a device that makes life easier and safer for those with diabetes, he’s taking the medical world by storm

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Volunteering Work & Money

The English Volunteering Project Has Been Launched!

Claire Thomas’ dream has been realised and The English Volunteering Project now offers a place for people to find volunteering opportunities. We ask that if you run or are involved with a non-profit organisation and need volunteers, to please get in touch with her. Finally, after a year of planning, work, fundraising and website development, The […]

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Volunteering Work & Money

The English Volunteering Project has been funded!

People keep asking me whether I’m starting to wind down my activities and work in the last few months before the baby comes, but to be honest, if anything I’m doing more. It’s not ideally how I’d plan life to be, but I’m really pleased that after all my work trying to get The English […]

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Volunteering Work & Money

What it takes to volunteer in Sweden: # 13

I love the Swedish summer – the sun is hot, the air is never that hot, the days are long, there are outdoor cafes and bars everywhere, there are lots of opportunities to swim in lakes and it feels so much more relaxed and sociable. Those are the good things. But this is one of […]

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Volunteering Work & Money

What it takes to volunteer in Sweden: # 12

I recently attended a wonderful lunch provided by the Red Cross on Kungsholmen for its volunteers. The food was delicious and it was very satisfying to spend an hour and a half having interesting conversations in Swedish – in which I was able to take part and which I understood most of. I’m also always […]

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Volunteering Work & Money

What it takes to volunteer in Sweden: # 11

I sometimes wonder how I ever functioned when I was in my 20s – I feel like I’ve learned and experienced so much since then that, looking back, I feel like I knew nothing (which obviously isn’t true). Not that I feel I know that much now – life seems to be a constant learning […]

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