27 Jul 2024
General Counselling
Expat Support General Counselling Health Mental health

Finding the right wavelength

Almost twenty-five years ago I found myself in the emergency room at Södersjukhuset with a suspected ectopic pregnancy. It was my third ectopic and fifth miscarriage, and so you could say I was battle hardened. I had brought an exciting novel for the inevitable wait and settled down. I was feeling calm and knew what […]

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Community Expat Support Extraordinary Expats General Counselling Health Mental health

Find your wings to fly the journey of your soul with Denisse Olsson

In the heart of Chiapas, Mexico, Denisse Olsson began her journey as the daughter of a Healer and an agricultural pilot. Her life’s paths took her to Stockholm, where she combined the wisdom inherited from her family and her life’s learnings to craft Wings & Inspiration, a space where she’s been kindly assisting women in […]

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Expat Support General Counselling Health Mental health

Playing life like it’s a game of chess

My hotel room in wonderful Saltsjöbaden looks out on an open-air chessboard. The pieces are randomly placed on the board, some alongside it, painting the scene of a game in mid play. Right now it looks a bit sorry for itself, given the average temperature of -10 in the past weeks. It inspires me to […]

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Expat Support General Counselling Health Mental health

Don’t pack your guilt

This is the time of year that many global nomads head home to their families. With expectations high on both sides, these visits can be a mixture of heaven and hell. Almost all expatriates feel some measure of guilt about the impact their life choices have on those who love and miss them ‘back home’. […]

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Art Community Couples Counselling Expat Support Extraordinary Expats General Counselling Health Services

Art Therapist Emma Ehrenthal explains Art Therapy

What exactly is art therapy and who is it for? We asked Stockholm-based art therapist Emma Ehrenthal to explain to our readers what it is that she really does. As an artist, I am not great with words, I am a visual learner and I love teaching through experiences. But I quickly learned that it was […]

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Expat Support General Counselling

Expat Counselling: The Art of International Friendships

In this month of Love and Friendship YLC’s mental health writer Lysanne Sizoo looks at the ways in which internationals connect with other, and how they can keep their friendships happy and healthy. The human need for social connection and friendship is deeply rooted. Some people experience it stronger than others. While some seem designed […]

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Community Expat Support General Counselling

Expats and Mental Health: The ‘Trailing Spouse’

If ever there was a description less befitting the hard work of a partner accompanying their loved on a foreign adventure it has to be the ‘trailing spouse’. YLC’s mental health expert Lysanne Sizoo explores the stereotypes and the reality. Many couples who move away from their home country express that it was a joint […]

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Community Expat Support General Counselling

Expats and Mental Health: Pitch Im-perfect

When we bring our Inner Perfectionist with us on our foreign adventures we may find that she or he is a more of a hindrance than a help. Our expat health specialist Lysanne Sizoo helps you to chill out. What I call the inner Perfectionist is that part of you that is always telling you […]

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Community Expat Support General Counselling Health Swedish Culture Work & Money

Expats and Mental Health: Two Scoops of Culture Shock

Ever feel like the sore thumb in Sweden? This week, YLC’s mental health expert, Lysanne Sizoo, discusses the difficulties associated with simultaneously adjusting to another culture and a new work environment abroad. Photo: Lena Granefelt/imagebank.sweden.se So you’ve found a job in Sweden, made the move, and started work. Grattis! If everything is going swimmingly, then […]

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Expat Support General Counselling

Expats and mental health: YOUR questions answered

As an expat, deciding to make the move back home can often be harder than the original emigration. This week YLC’s mental health adviser, Lysanne Sizoo, answers a reader’s enquiry on the unforeseen difficulties of saying hej då to Sweden. Whether it was love, work, or studies that brought you to Sweden, when these come to a natural […]

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