27 Jul 2024
Art Books Community Creative Arts Culture Design Featured Galleries Networking What's on: Stockholm Your New City

Charity Art Expo: Democratizing Art and Fostering Community in Stockholm

ENTRANCE TICKETS The Charity Art Expo is a dynamic and vibrant art event that unites artists, galleries, collectors, and art enthusiasts, creating a marketplace for artistic exchange and appreciation. This event stands out in the art world by being accessible and inclusive, offering exhibition space at reasonable prices to democratize art access. Alex Colard, the […]

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Featured Home Page Articles Sustainable

Stockholm’s Green Revolution: Fossil Fuel Cars Banned in Parts of the City from 2025

Traditional diesel- and gas-powered cars will be banned in parts of Stockholm’s city centre from 2025 to reduce emissions and encourage electric vehicle (EV) adoption. A” low-emissions zone” spanning around twenty blocks will allow only EVs, fuel-cell vehicles, and some hybrid trucks. Although it’s now not uncommon for European capitals to limit usage of gasoline and diesel cars, […]

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Dining out Featured Getting Around Vegetarian

Best Vegan Restaurants in Stockholm

For some it is a fashion, for others it is a gastronomic trend and for many others a pro-animal philosophy. Whatever your reason may be, here is our round-up of the best vegan restaurants in Stockholm. Vegan: it is said of that type of food that eliminates any type of animal-based ingredients and derivatives (eggs, […]

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Essentials Featured Health

It’s Official – Stockholm’s Water is the Best in Europe

Clean and safe drinking water is one of the most fundamental human needs. Yet while 90 percent of the world’s population has access to water, the majority, even in the developed world, would be reluctant to drink it from the tap. When you look at some of the high-profile cases of contamination such as Flint, […]

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Featured Movies

Interview: Göran Lundström on Creating Movie Magic

I met Göran Lundström in London where he has been working a lot over the past few years. He was already a prosthetic legend and a big name in Hollywood. But still very down to earth and humble, quintessentially Swedish in that sense, I would say. A guy who worked on films like Star Wars, […]

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Creative Arts Featured Home Page Articles

Amazing Places to Take Snowy Shots of Stockholm

The snowy period in Stockholm runs from mid-November to early April with at least an inch of snow each month. February generally has the most snowfall. If you are visiting Stockholm, this is the ideal time to take some beautiful, picturesque photos of the city. You can take some great pictures of the activity in the market places, […]

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Featured Wine

Pays D’OC Wines to light up the autumn

When the first Pays d’Oc wines (which later became IGP wines “Vins à Indication Géographique Protégée” in 2009) were released in 1987, no one could have predicted their great success. 25 bottles of Pays d’Oc IGP wines are sold every second around the world. The success stems from the quality revolution in Languedoc-Roussillon over thirty […]

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Culture Featured Music News

In Pictures: Climate Live

Live music is back as the restrictions have been lifted, so Greta Thunberg was able to realize her dream of putting together a Live Aid, but for the climate. Climate Live’s aim is to engage, educate and empower, and there are similar concerts being arranged in around 20 countries. The Swedish event took place on […]

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Bars, Pubs & Clubs Featured Home Page Articles Lifestyle Swedish Culture

How Lillördag Can Prevent Burnout at Work

According to a survey done by Indeed.com, 52% of people said that they often feel tired and burned out by work. This figure rose to 67% in the past year, meaning that Swedes are having to find ways to relax and de-stress as a priority. One of the ways to do this in Sweden is […]

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Featured Music

Stockholm is hungry for live music after the pandemic

The ongoing pandemic has put the music culture and live industry on pause. However, recent figures and studies have shown, that the lack of cultural experiences is already putting high pressure on the upcoming concerts and festivals in 2022 – and that the audience is ready for action as soon as the restrictions ease. When […]

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