27 Jul 2024
Outdoor Activities
Family Activities Outdoor Activities Sports and Fitness

Sweden taking a leading position in Cornhole in Europe

Cornhole, a game where players toss bags filled with corn kernels at a raised platform with a hole at the far end, has been a traditional American pastime.  However, this perception is rapidly changing. In recent years, Sweden has emerged as a surprising and formidable force in the European Cornhole scene. This article delves into how […]

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Outdoor Activities Videos Your New City

Stockholm’s Greening Journey Offers Something for Every Step of Life

Stockholm is world renowned for its commitment to green spaces, as well as the brilliant execution that city planners have displayed in implementing outdoors spaces. Indeed, the World Economic Forum has profiled that commitment, noting how it can provide inspiration to urban citizens across the world. From bucolic cafes and sustainable shopping malls to long expanses of greenery that […]

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Outdoor Activities Sports and Fitness Tourist Information Uncategorized Videos

Anchors Away! Enjoy Boating and Water Sports in Stockholm

Stockholm was once described by novelist Selma Lagerlöf as “the city that floats on water.” If you really want to discover why, head to the vertiginous heights of the City Hall’s tower, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the sparkling waters that surround it. Stockholm is perched upon an impressive 14 islands, with the […]

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Outdoor Activities Tourist Information

The Best Camping Spots In Stockholm

Sweden’s rather unique Allemansrätt law (translating to “any person has the right to use the land”) makes the country one of the best for camping in the world. This law gives everyone open access to the land and the freedom to roam and camp just about anywhere. The only rules are: don’t camp too close to any residences […]

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Featured Outdoor Activities Sports and Fitness Tourist Information Videos

Enjoying Water Sports In Stockholm

Around 66% of people in Sweden reach their recommended physical activity levels – a high percentage compared to many countries across the globe. In the city of Stockholm, sports are enjoyed all year round, with water sports coming to the fore in the summer months. If you are an avid sports enthusiast yourself and will be visiting […]

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Outdoor Activities Sports and Fitness

Take the Plunge: Amazing Swimming Experiences in Stockholm

Swedish people are known for their love of the outdoors and nature — particularly when it comes to exercise. In a country that is so beautiful, Swedes often make the most of the rivers, lakes and mountains and really enjoy some wild swimming. There is even an annual ice swim race where people compete in some of the coldest […]

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Featured Getting Around Outdoor Activities Sports and Fitness

Incredible Places to Cycle in Stockholm

Cycling is not just a way of getting around the city in an environmentally-friendly and sustainable way — it is also a great way to get fit and stay healthy. (No wonder the sales of bicycles in Sweden have gone up by 20% in the last four years!) After all, it is certainly more pleasant cycling in the fresh […]

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Outdoor Activities Sports and Fitness

Working Out In Nature

Sweden has a reputation for being amongst the fittest nations in the EU, and now, thanks to outdoor gyms across the capital, Stockholmers have no excuse for maintaining this image. Katharine Trigarszky takes a look at the exercise options that the city’s outdoor gyms provide. Swedes love nothing more than being out in nature, and […]

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Featured Getting Around Outdoor Activities Sports and Fitness Tourist Information Uncategorized

Celebrate Spring with a Nature Hike in Stockholm

Tourism in Sweden is booming with nature being one of the biggest drawcards according to Ewa Lagerqvist, CEO of Visit Sweden. One of the most popular destinations in Sweden is without a doubt Stockholm, widely considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Not only is the city known for its impressive architecture […]

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Community Essentials Lifestyle Outdoor Activities Sports and Fitness Your New City

Social Sweating in Sweden

The Swedes work out more than anyone else in the European Union. It is true that people in Scandinavian countries are known for their healthy lifestyles, but seven out of ten people living in Sweden work out on a weekly basis. This healthy lifestyle is contagious and if you are living in Stockholm, there are many options […]

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