27 Jul 2024
Community Expat Support Health Mental health

Holding it lightly

Lately I have found myself comparing the process of an international relocation to that of childbirth. You forget how intensive it is and how much it hurts. And so, months or years later you merrily embark on the adventure again. I’m sitting in my car outside yet another apartment, waiting to go in for a […]

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Fashion & Beauty Health

How to prepare your skin for winter

As the frosty winds start to nip at the picturesque streets of Stockholm, one thing becomes abundantly clear – winter is on the horizon!❄️ But what does this season mean for your skin? In our quest to unravel the secrets of maintaining a healthy, glowing complexion in the midst of the Swedish winter wonderland, we […]

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Expat Support Health Mental health

Surfing between the known and the unknown

I’ve just uploaded twenty mediocre and imperfect selfies to an artificial intelligence app. It promises to take this base material and turn it into professional gold; sixty headshots worthy of a LinkedIn listing. I am hoping AI will professionalize these slightly scruffy and big nosed ‘Lysannes’ into the therapist you’ve always dreamed of employing. It’s […]

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Expat Support Health Mental health

Breaking free from toxic anxiety syndrome

Our inbuilt survival system doesn’t care whether you’re happy or sad. It just wants to keep you alive. And that’s hard work when we are floating in a collective fear-soup and our brains are overwhelmed. We have two smoke alarms in our brain. These ‘amygdala’ are constantly on the lookout for life-threatening danger. They don’t […]

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Expat Support Health Mental health

Navigating Life’s Transitions with Mental Well-being

Being in transit can be hard. I am letting go of one organised and happy existence, the result of hard work and adaptation, to once again move towards the unknown. I am heeding an inner call that trusts the process with more conviction than my own little ego-self feels right now. As I sit here, […]

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Essentials Featured Health

It’s Official – Stockholm’s Water is the Best in Europe

Clean and safe drinking water is one of the most fundamental human needs. Yet while 90 percent of the world’s population has access to water, the majority, even in the developed world, would be reluctant to drink it from the tap. When you look at some of the high-profile cases of contamination such as Flint, […]

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GEN(I)US AMANITA – the healing mushroom

Amanita phalloides, also known as the death cap, is the world’s most toxic mushroom. It contains alpha-amanitin which is responsible for causing liver and kidney failure. Ingestion of just half a cap can lead to death! The world’s most deadly fungus is common in Sweden. This genus is responsible for approximately 95% of the fatalities resulting […]

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Community Health

Make the best out of life by letting go

Sometimes in life we feel just stuck. It may be a difficult, temporary situation where we cannot see any light. It may also be a pattern, or tendency for putting ourselves into specific positions or events, almost like deliberately exposing ourselves to troubles. The harder you’re trying to avoid it in your life, the more […]

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Family Health Hospitals Pregnancy & Baby

Home Birth Is Now A Real Option In Stockholm

Home Birth Is Now A Real Option In Stockholm Many of us in the birth community, as well as expectant parents, have been wondering why home birth has not been a common choice, or even much of an option, here in Sweden. The great news is that now, at least in Stockholm, it is! Karolinska […]

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Community Featured Health Lifestyle Sports and Fitness

Why Are People Less Stocky in Stockholm?

Sweden’s national obesity rate is two percent lower than that of Sweden’s smaller communities. This means that large metropolises like Stockholm have thinner residents on average than rural Sweden. A number of factors contribute to this metro-rural obesity disparity, which can be observed not just in Sweden but in many other countries. Contrary to the […]

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