24 Oct 2024
YLC Interview: Ewa Malmsten Nordell, a Photography Explorer
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YLC Interview: Ewa Malmsten Nordell, a Photography Explorer

Interviewing different personalities, life begins to change its taste… beauty seen from everywhere, by everyone, from different angles. Enjoying people through their own experience of existence.


Tel me about you and the beginning of your career:

It wasn’t a dream, it was more of a choice. I was offered a job as a photographer for children, it made me feel like a child entertainer but it was also a challenge. Then, I began thinking about learning more about photography. I worked as a photoassistant and that was the job that initiated me in the arts of photography. Working for 5 years there, I developed and learned about analogue photography.

What was your career path?

The market decided my photo journey… where to put my energy and where to search for work.

Among your works, which one is your favorite? Why?

My style is not an artistic one, but I create a more interactive type of pictures that communicates and tells the story behind companies, the values and vision. I always liked to create more personal pictures and for this I always try to get to know the people before I have the photo shooting.

What do you think makes your work distinct?

I always try to bring out the best from every person showing it through a balanced and harmonic environment. Everything depends on the person’s personality and wishes. My wish is to bring to light the best in every and each person, so that even they would be surprised of the result of my work.

Who do you work with the most?

Mostly companies, websites or trademarks images, but also family pictures and private events.


If you could take your art in any direction without fear of failure or rejection, where would it lead. What new thing would you try?

I want to develop by helping or teaching beginner photographers and/or cooperating, so that we could rent them out to those who are interested in different kinds of stories that my/our pictures speak about.

What is it that interests you most about photography?

Communication and storytelling.

How has photography influenced you as a person?

In the years that I developed I became more open and found easier ways to communicate and in the end starting to not only enjoy, but to love meeting people and expressing feelings, emotions and thoughts through camera. But for me it’s always the meeting first and then the camera.

What are some favorite things about being a photographer? What are some challenges you’ve encountered?

This is a lifestyle that includes knowledge, freedom, positive energy. The real challenge is that I have tried recently to describe and to speak about visual communication in front of interested groups and make them see the picture and the feeling from my perspective. I would also like to do some workshops about it.


Some photographers say that they see the world differently, and that they have a different perspective on life. What is your perspective on the world and on life?

As a photographer, I look at life from different perspectives just like in the pictures. You can have a panoramic picture or show a more detailed view, or from different angles and being an empathic person I catch the feelings of other people easily. I always try to make the world look more beautiful through the art of photography.

Photography is a life journey where I learned and developed a lot as a person because it’s an interactive job that makes me more understanding about the surroundings, situations and people. The greatest thing in my career is that it is a constant development…for life…

Where could people get in touch with you?

On my website: www.fotofralla.se and LinkedIn.


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