27 Jul 2024
Culture Fiction Love Refugee

Love Refugee: He’s Just Not NOT Into You

Oh this is what I needed! A whole weekend with my lovely friend Kate, who I’ve known since we practiced snogging on Jason Donovan posters together. You might remember Kate, she’s the one who nearly knocked me out with her bouquet at her wedding. She went a bit Bridezilla bonkers for a bit, but since […]

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Culture Fiction Love Refugee

Love Refugee: A Straightforward Date

I only vaguely remembered talking to the American at the barbeque, so I was quite surprised to get a message from him later that weekend inviting me to dinner. See, this is what I like about Americans: they are very straightforward when it comes to dating. You always know when you’re on a date with […]

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Fiction Love Refugee

Love Refugee: A Little Spark of Hope

Well, that was my first Midsummer… The barbeque was held in a park quite near the apartment I’m staying in, which surrounds a beautiful church set on a hill. I wondered how easy it would be to find a random group of strangers in a big park, and I did wander aimlessly for a bit, […]

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Fiction Love Refugee

Love Refugee: Project Distraction

New day, new week, new attitude… new everything. I’ve been being ridiculous. I’m much too long in the tooth to be getting my knickers in a twist over a guy I don’t even know all that well. I think it’s a bit to do with what I mentioned the other week, this feeling of not […]

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Fiction Love Refugee Uncategorized

Love Refugee: Glow Worm

He was texting a girl. The whole time we were talking. He was flirting with someone else and trying to get her to come to the party. Why do I feel like I’ve just been hit by a train? I’ve actually been pretty good the last couple of weeks. Work has been crazy, and I’ve […]

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Fiction Love Refugee

Love Refugee: The Long and the Short of It

Love Refugee is YLC’s fiction serial; a romantic comedy about expat and confirmed singleton Ellie, determined to avoid commitment at any cost…

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Fiction Love Refugee

Love Refugee: Friends with Benefits

Weirdly enough, after thinking about Andreas last week, I ran into him. On Friday night I was zonked and really looking forward to a night in with a pizza and movie – when there he was, at the pizza place, apparently doing the same thing.

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Fiction Love Refugee

Love Refugee: Lost in Translation?

I had a little speech prepared – well, perhaps not quite as formal as a speech as such, but… remarks, just in case. The usual: we work together, pressure of launch, you’re really great but let’s not make things complicated…

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Fiction Love Refugee

Love Refugee: The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship…

Love Refugee is YLC’s fiction serial; a romantic comedy about expat and confirmed singleton Ellie, determined to avoid commitment at any cost…

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Fiction Love Refugee

Love Refugee: Viking Gods and Female Soulmates

Love Refugee is YLC’s Friday fiction serial; a romantic comedy about expat and confirmed singleton Ellie, determined to avoid commitment at any cost…

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