23 Oct 2024
Claire Duffy
Lifestyle Sports and Fitness

Stockholm Diary: Expat Pilates

Pilates has always struck me as the sort of thing that people more stylish than me do, like making pasta

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Books Community

Stockholm Reads: Study English through Literature

Looking to challenge and improve your English skills in a fun, social setting? Well look no further! This autumn, sign

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Culture Fiction Love Refugee

Love Refugee: He’s Just Not NOT Into You

Oh this is what I needed! A whole weekend with my lovely friend Kate, who I’ve known since we practiced

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Culture Fiction Love Refugee

Love Refugee: A Straightforward Date

I only vaguely remembered talking to the American at the barbeque, so I was quite surprised to get a message

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Fiction Love Refugee

Love Refugee: A Little Spark of Hope

Well, that was my first Midsummer… The barbeque was held in a park quite near the apartment I’m staying in,

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Fiction Love Refugee

Love Refugee: Project Distraction

New day, new week, new attitude… new everything. I’ve been being ridiculous. I’m much too long in the tooth to

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Fiction Love Refugee Uncategorized

Love Refugee: Glow Worm

He was texting a girl. The whole time we were talking. He was flirting with someone else and trying to

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Fiction Love Refugee

Love Refugee: The Long and the Short of It

Love Refugee is YLC’s fiction serial; a romantic comedy about expat and confirmed singleton Ellie, determined to avoid commitment at

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Fiction Love Refugee

Love Refugee: Friends with Benefits

Weirdly enough, after thinking about Andreas last week, I ran into him. On Friday night I was zonked and really

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Fiction Love Refugee

Love Refugee: Lost in Translation?

I had a little speech prepared - well, perhaps not quite as formal as a speech as such, but... remarks,

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