27 Jul 2024
Community Expat Support Parenting

Parenting in a foreign land: Part 1

Barack Obama, Christiane Amanpour and Reese Witherspoon, all so called ‘Third Culture Kids’, have done very well for themselves. Our youngsters CAN get the very best from being raised in a country that is not their parents’ own.

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Expat Support General Counselling

Expat Counselling: The Art of International Friendships

In this month of Love and Friendship YLC’s mental health writer Lysanne Sizoo looks at the ways in which internationals connect with other, and how they can keep their friendships happy and healthy. The human need for social connection and friendship is deeply rooted. Some people experience it stronger than others. While some seem designed […]

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Community Expat Support General Counselling

Expats and Mental Health: The ‘Trailing Spouse’

If ever there was a description less befitting the hard work of a partner accompanying their loved on a foreign adventure it has to be the ‘trailing spouse’. YLC’s mental health expert Lysanne Sizoo explores the stereotypes and the reality. Many couples who move away from their home country express that it was a joint […]

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Community Extraordinary Expats

Extraordinary Expat: Entrepreneur Mary-Rose Hoja

With her sparkling smile and tumbling blonde locks you might not peg Mary-Rose Hoja as a scientist with an entrepreneurial spirit. Once you meet her in person, though, there’s no doubt that this is a woman of enormous drive, intellect and charm. With a PhD in the sciences in her pocket and a good portion of […]

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Community Couples Counselling Expat Support General Counselling Parenting

Expats and mental health: Stuck in Sweden?

Lysanne Sizoo on the pain of international partners torn between love for their children and troubles in their relationship.

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