9 Feb 2025
Children in Stockholm: Sportlov

Children in Stockholm: Sportlov

While many Stockholmers use the Sportlov, a one-week school holiday, to go skiing, there’s lots to do if you’re lucky enough to stay put in the capital. With everything from snail hunts to Japanese spas – who needs the slopes, anyway?


Become a movie star

Between February 23 and March 3, Stockholm Film Festival will be running a series of film workshops where children between the ages 6-16 can come and (with the help of a professional film teacher) make their own films and animations in small groups. Each session is about three hours and costs 100 kr per child. English speaking teachers will be available.

Between April 5th and 6th all the films made during the winter break workshops will appear on the Stockholm Stadsmuseeum for all who want to see! You can also pick up your free DVD with your film at the same time.

When: Saturday, February 22 – Sunday, March 2nd, Weekdays at. 10:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 17:00, weekends between the hours 11:00 to 16:00.

Where: Historiska museet, Narvavägen 13-17,  Stockholms Stadsmuseum, Ryssgården, Slussen, Tekniska museet, Museivägen 7, Gärdet

Age Group: from 6-16 years

Cost: 120 SEK per child (Places must be booked in advance here)


Spend your hols at the Royal Swedish Opera House

Why not check out the Opera House these holidays and tour the house, try on costumes and take a peek backstage? Don’t miss the special showing of the classical ballet Onegin, with an introduction specifically aimed at children on February 25th.

When: Children’s tour on the 24th, 25th, 27th and 28th february 9:30-11 (doors open at 9am). Ballet Onegin played on February 25th at noon, introduction starts at 11.15. Tickets can be bought here.

Where: Guldfoajén, Kungliga Operan, Gustav Adolfs torg 2, 111 52 Stockholm. (T-bana: Kungsträdgården)

Age group: from 5-18 years

Cost: 30 SEK entrance for all. Presale only; tickets can be bought here from Valentine’s Day onwards


Sportlov at Kungsträdgården

Sportlov at Kungsträdgården kicks off with Olympic Day where you can try cross-country skiing, ski jumping, climbing, various Ice sports, biathlon, seat kate, sithockey and curling, as well as chess and crafts. There will also be figure skating school and a painting corner. If you’re ucky you might be able to spot an Olympian or two among the guests…

When: Saturday 22nd February to Sunday 2nd March, 11-16.30 first weekend, 11-15.30 all other days.

Where: Kungsträdgården

Age Group: suitable for all ages

Cost: free


Snailhunt at Halwyl House

Margit is visiting her grandmother Wilhelmina in Stockholm. But Margit’s snail Mrs Winberg has disappeared  in her grandmother’s great house. Everyone in the house gets involved in looking for the missing snail! Come and help to look after the snail Mrs Winberg and make the acquaintance of everyone in the house, both upstairs and downstairs.

When: 25th to 28th February at 13:00 and 14:00. (Prebook here!)

Where: Halwyl House, Hamngatan 4

Age Group: suitable for 5-9-year-olds


Pirates at the Maritime Museum

Meet the pirates, go on exciting tours, search for hidden chests and create your own pirate stuff! We also have tours about pirates and their stories from the seven seas, taking place every hour on the hour between 11 and 16. If you’re lucky you may even meet a pirate!

Our chests will contain a race with many questions about robbery, hijackers, taxes and other related buccaneering exploits.

At our workshop Ruskpricken, we make our own flags, boats and treasure chests – all with many skulls and crossbones.

When: Saturday 22rd February to Sunday 2nd March from 10:00 to 17:00

Where: Sjöhistoriska Museet, Djurgårdsbrunnsvägen 24. (Best way of getting here is via bus 69)

Age group: suitable for all ages

Cost: Free admission for all. Workshop material cost: 30 SEK per child.


Yasuragi Kids (13+)

Yasuragi  is the Japanese word for inner peace and harmony, which sums up this oasis perfectly. You can enjoy onsen (Japanese baths), energizing activities and a variety of treatments. Over Sportlov, Yasuragi opens its doors to children over 13, where you can enjoy family yoga, crafts and sumo wrestling as well as the time to reconnect in a peaceful environment. Come for the day or overnight!

When: Friday 22nd February to Sunday 3rd March from 10:00 to 17:00

Where: Hamndalsvägen 6, Saltsjö-Boo

Age group: 13+

Cost: Various, please check the website


Whatever you choose to do – Stockholm has a lot to offer!


Photo Credit: Carolina Romare/imagebank.sweden.se



  • cynthia matchett 17 Feb 2013

    Soon I will be visiting my grandson in Stockholm. It is wonderful to have these “to do” options here in one place! This is a very helpful resource.

    • Farrah Gillani 17 Feb 2013

      Thanks Cynthia! It’s so nice to hear that we’ve been useful 🙂

  • Thomas 24 Feb 2013

    These events are just for children or they are also for teenagers and adults ?

    • Farrah Gillani 24 Feb 2013

      Hi Thomas! The age group for each event is listed, but for teenagers, I’d recommend the Movie workshop, the street dancing festival and the trombone festival. Enjoy!

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