25 Jan 2025
TEDx STOCKHOLM took us to Wonderland
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TEDx STOCKHOLM took us to Wonderland

This year’s TEDxStockholm event went under the theme of Wonderland, and the audience expected inspiration and magic, when we were invited down the rabbit hole at the Radisson Waterfront.

This was the largest TEDx event in the Nordics to date, and it was all sold out. A large part of the 1000+ crowd had bought their tickets without any knowledge of who would be speaking, which tells something about the quality people have come to expect of these events and the speakers. The atmosphere at the event was relaxed and positive, the crowd was international and curious. The attendees were encouraged to meet new people and mingle during the breaks, which they really did.

The hosts David Knutsson and Jenny Lindblad guided the audience on the journey through the endless possibilities that Wonderland had to offer


The first speaker was Hanna Olvenmark, who encouraged everybody not to consume more than we need, and told us how tasty and healthy food really does not need to be expensive. She runs a blog with recipes for food where one portion costs less than 10 SEK.


Omar Alshogre is an inspiring survivor from Syria, who made us feel the pain and cruelty he has suffered. But he also made us feel his optimism and hope when he was recounting his story.


The French Ambassador to Sweden David Cvach spoke engagingly about the impact that new technologies such as Articial Intelligence could have on diplomacy.


Writer, debater, speaker and PhD student Shohini Kundu came all the way from the US. She spoke about how machine learning can replicate the biases we have in the society.

Ulf Skarin, former editor-in-chief of one of Sweden’s biggest business magazines, told about how he is having lunch with a new person every day to gain new insights and ideas. He was up to lunch number 868 by the time of his TEDx talk.


Well, it only made sense to find Alice’s guitar-slinging sidekick in Wonderland. Beside energizing the crowd with his music, Ryan Roxie told the secret of success is based on the three P’s: practice, persistence and patience.


Michael Taylor has been behind many interesting projects, including the Stockholm branch of Coder Dojo. His latest project teaches coding in prisons, challenging stereotypes and at the same time helping people to help themselves in becoming productive members of the society.

The youngest ever TEDx Stockholm speaker Greta Thunberg made the biggest impact in pointing out how her generation and future generations are being let down by the inaction of those who have the power to do something in the climate issue. With her school strike for the climate, she has made people around the world listen.


All in all a very inspiring day with plenty of insights for everybody in attendance.

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