10 Feb 2025
Stockholm’s international schools (age 5 & up)
Education School

Stockholm’s international schools (age 5 & up)

When moving to a foreign country with kids, choosing which school they go to is a major consideration. International schools are often a great choice for parents who plan on staying for only a short term, for parents with specific language preferences or for parents who would like a different approach from the normal Swedish schooling system. These international schools have the ability to accommodate a melting pot of children who will attend from a few months up to a number of years. The list of Stockholm international schools is below.

Map of Stockholm’s International Schools 2013


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Click on the map’s blue flags for the school’s name and information.

View Stockholm International Schools in a larger map

If we have missed anything or if any information needs to be updated, please let us know.

List of Stockholm’s International Schools (age 5 & up)

British International Primary School of Stockholm

Östra Valhallavägen 17, 182 68, Djursholm

Tel: +46 (0)8-755 23 75

Fax: +46 (0)8-755 26 35

Curriculum/Language: British/English

Grades: Preschool & 1-7

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.britishinternationalprimaryschool.se

Map: Click Here

Dé Nederlande School in Stockholm

p/a British International Primary School

Östra Valhallavägen 17, 182 68 Djursholm, Sweden

Tel: +46 (0)8-755 08 33

Grades: Primary school and secondary education

Language: Dutch

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.nlschoolstockholm.se

Map: Click Here

Deutsche Schule Stockholm

Karlavägen 25, 114 31 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8 679 98 44

Curriculum/language: German

Grades: Preschool & 1 -12

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.tyskaskolan.org

Map: Click Here

Engelska Skolan Norr

Roslagstullsbacken 4, 114 21 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0)8-441 8580

Fax: +46 (0)8-673 2915

Curriculum/ Language: Swedish /English

Grades: Preschool – 5 & 6 -9

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.esn.se

Map: Click Here

Europaskolan (Södermalm)

Gotlandsgatan 43, 116 65 Stockholm

Tel. (Info centre) : +46 (0)8-33 50 56

Tel. (Principal: Anette Parts): +46 (0)8-33 50 54

Language: Swedish/English

Grades: Preschool & 1 – 9

Email (Info centre): [email protected]

Email (Principal): [email protected]

Web: www.europaskolan.nu

Map: Click Here

Europaskolan (Vasastan)

Luntmakargatan 101, 113 51 Stockholm

Tel. (Info Centre): +46 (0)8-33 50 56

Tel. (Principal: Anette Parts): +46 (0)8-33 50 54

Language: Swedish/English

Grades: Preschool – Primary School

Email (Info centre): [email protected]

Email (Principal): [email protected]

Web: www.europaskolan.nu

Map: Click Here

Fisksätraskolan (International School in Nacka)

Bräntvägen 1, 133 04 Saltsjöbaden

Tel: +46 (0) 8 718 83 00

Fax: +46 (0) 8 718 83 02

Grades: Preschool – 9

Language: English/Swedish

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.isn.nacka.se

Map: Click Here

Franska skolan – École Française

Döbelnsgatan 9, Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0)8 -598 889 00

Grades: Preschool & 1-12

Curriculum/Language: Swedish/ French

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.franskaskolan.se

Map: Click Here

French Lycée (Lycée Français) Saint Louis de Stockholm

Essingestråket 24, 112 66 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8 441 30 30

Curriculum/Language : French

Grades: Preschool & 1 -12

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.lfsl.net

Map: Click Here

Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm

Erik Dalhbergsgatan 58-62, 115 57 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 767 24 28 97

Grades: 1-9

Language: English

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.futuraskolaninternational.se

Map: Click Here

The International School of the Stockholm Region (ISSR)

Bohusgatan 24-26, 116 67 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0)8 508 426 50

Grades: 1-12

Language: English

Curriculum: IB Program

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.issr.se

Map: Click Here

Internationella Kunskapsskolan

Virkesvägen 3,  Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8-506 910 00

Fax: +46 (0) 8-506 910 49

Grades: High School

Curriculum: Swedish/International

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.kunskapsskolan.se

Map: Click Here

Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet Södermalm

Allhelgonagatan 4, 118 58 Stockholm

Tel: +46 ( 0)8 562 28 702

Curriculum/Language: Swedish/English

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.engelskagymnasiet.se

Map: Click Here

Internationella Engelska Skolan i Bromma

Riksbyvägen 40-48, 168 74 Bromma

Tel: +46 (0) 8 120 651 40

Curriculum/language: Swedish /English

Grades: 4 – 9

Email: [email protected]

Web: bromma.engelska.se

Map: Click Here

Internationella Engelska Skolan i Enskede

Lingvägen 123, 122 45 Enskede

Tel: +46 (0)8-505 533 00

Fax: +46 (0)8-505 533 11

Curriculum/Lauange: Swedish/English

Grades: 6 – 9

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: enskede.engelska.se

Map: Click Here

Internationella Engelska Skolan i Nacka

Augustendalsvägen 1, 131 52 Nacka Strand

Tel: +46 (0)8-562 969 00

Curriculum/language: Swedish /English

Grades: 4 – 9

Email: [email protected]

Web: nacka.engelska.se

Map: Click Here

Internationella Engelska Skolan i Täby

Nytorpsvägen 7, 183 53 Täby

Tel. (Sr. School Secretary): +46 (0)8 473 72 81

Tel. (Jr. School Secretary): +46 (0)8 120 457 66

Curriculum/Language: Swedish /English

Grades: 4 – 6 (Junior School) & 7 – 9 (Senior School)

Email: [email protected]

Web: taby.engelska.se

Map: Click Here

Johannes Skola

Roslagsgatan 61, 113 54 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0)8-508 445 00

Fax: +46 (0)8-508 445 20

Grades: Preschool & 1 – 6

Curriculum/ Language: Curriculum based on the Swedish course plan. Classes are in Swedish as well as bilingual classes in English/Swedish. Native English-speaking teachers provide education in English as a second language in the Swedish classes and teach half of the subjects in the bilingual classes.

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.johannesskola.stockholm.se

Map: Click Here

Kista International School

Bilingual School

Sibeliusgången 11, 164 77 Kista

Tel: +46 (0)08 – 510 602 90 (head office) or +46 (0)510 602 92 (English Section)

Grades: Preschool & 1 – 9

Email: [email protected]

Web: http://kistaschool.se/eng/

Map: Click Here

Kungsholmens Gymnasium

International Section

Hantverkargatan 67-69, 112 92 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0)8-508 380 00 (head office) or +46 (0)8-508 380 06 (International Section Office)

Grades: 10-12

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.kungsholmensgymnasium.stockholm.se

Map: Click Here

Olympen Skolor & Forskola (3 campuses)

Jungfrugatan 51-53, 115 31 Stockholm (Svea Torn)

Stora Mans Väg 11B, Älvsjö (Långbro Park)

Tellusborgsvägen 96, 126 28 Stockholm (Telefonplan)

Tel: +46 (0) 8-664 06 31

Grades: Preschool & 1- 9

Language: Swedish/English

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.olympen.se

Map: Click Here (Svea Torn)

Map: Click Here (Långbro Parken)

Map: Click Here (Telefonplan)

Rudbeck Gymnasium

Malla Silfverstolpes väg 3, 192 51 Sollentuna

Tel: +46 (0) 8-57 92 18 30

Grades: IB program

Language: English

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.rudbeck.se

Map: Click here


Upplandsgatan 100, Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0)8-508 44 800

Grades: 1 – 9

Language: Swedish / English (Bilingual programme)

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.rodabergsskolan.stockholm.se

Map: Click Here

Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket

Manfred Björkqvists allé 8, 193 31 Sigtuna

Tel: +46 (0)8-592 571 00

Fax: +46 (0)8-592 572 50

Grades: Middle years – High School

Language: Swedish/English

Curriculum: IB program

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.sshl.se

Map: Click Here

Spanska Skolan Colegio Español

Västra vägen 7 C, Solna

Tel: +46 (0)8 518 06 75 or +46 (0)7 019 077 63

Grades: Preschool & 1-5

Curriculum/Language: Spanish/Swedish

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.spanskaskolan.se

Map: Click Here

Stockholm International School (Kindergarten – 9)

Johannesgatan 18, 111 38 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0)8-412 40 00

Fax: +46 (0)8 412 40 01

Curriculum/language: IB/English

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.intsch.se

Map: Click Here

Stockholm International School (Grades 10-12)

Luntmakargatan 28, 111 37 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0)8 412 40 09

Fax: +46 (0)8 412 40 01

Curriculum/language: IB/English

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.intsch.se

Map: Click Here

Stockholms Internationella Montessoriskola

Konradsbergsgatan 24, 11259 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0)705 48 48 08

Curriculum: Swedish

Grades: Preschool & 1 – 8

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.stims.se

Map: Click Here

Stockholms Språkskola

Rågsveds skolgränd 8, 124 56 Bandhagen

Tel: +46 (0)8 508 493 00

Fax: +46 (0)8 508 493 20

Grades: 1-9

Curriculum/language: Swedish/English

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.stockholm.se

Map: Click Here

The Tanto International School

Flintbacken 20, 118 42 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0)8 669 71 71

Fax: +46 (0)8 668 60 07

Grades: Preschool ‘The English Nursery” & 1- 7

Curriculum/Language: We have the British system and show the English National Curriculum with adaptations to suit our international student body. All teaching is done in English. However, Swedish is taught mainly from Year 4 and onwards.

Info: We are a small, multi-cultural, family run school with great emphasis on high academic standards as

well as developing social skills. We work hard with all children to teach respect for themselves and others, good manners and the importance of having fun while learning.

Email: [email protected]

Web: http://www.tantoschool.se

Map: Click Here

Viktor Rydbergs Gymnasium (VRG) & Samskola (VRS)

Viktor Rydbergs väg 29, 182 62 Djursholm (VRG Djursholm)

Kungstensgatan 6, 114 25 Stockholm (VRG Jarlaplan)

Norrtullsgatan 41-43, 113 45 Stockholm (VRG Odenplan)

Viktor Rydbergs väg 2, 182 62 Djursholm (VRS)

Tel: +46 (0) 8-622 21 02

Grades: 3 Gymnasium High schools (10-12) and 1 middle school (7-9)

Curriculum/Language: Swedish/ English

Email (VRG): [email protected]

Email (VRS): [email protected]

Web: www.vrg.se

Map: Click Here (VRG Djursholm)

Map: Click Here (VRG Jarlaplan)

Map: Click Here (VRG Odenplan)

Map: Click Here (VRS)

Vittra i Lidingö

Vesslevägen 3, Lidingö

Tel: +46 (0)8 636 28 70

Fax: +46 (0)8 731 59 40

Curriculum/Languages: Swedish/English

Grades: Preschool & 1 -9

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.vittra.se

Map: Click Here

Vittra i Luma Park

Lumaparksvägen 12, Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0)8 556 949 50

Fax: +46 (0)8 556 949 59

Curriculum/Language: Swedish/English

Grades: Preschool & 1 – 3

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.vittra.se

Map: Click Here

Vittra i Rösjötorp

Lomvägen 100, 192 56 Sollentuna

Tel: +46 (0)8 585 755 61 (Administrator)

Curriculum/Languages: Swedish/English

Grades: Preschool & 1 – 5

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.vittra.se

Map: Click Here

Vittra i Sjöstaden

Lugnets Allé 60, Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0)8 556 979 60

Fax: +46 (0)8 556 979 61

Curriculum/Languages: Swedish/English

Grades: Preschool & 1 – 9

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.vittra.se

Map: Click Here

Vittra i Telefonplan

Snickerigatan 4, 126 37 Hägersten

Tel: +46 (0)8 681 69 80

Grades: Förskoleklass (Age 6) & Grades 1 – 6

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.vittra.se

Map: Click Here

Something missing? Incorrect? Simply contact us and let us know! We will be updating our list continually and aim to make this the best reference for international schooling in Stockholm.


  • Catherine Denby Koutalas 2 Mar 2012


    I am interested in teaching modern dance to children from ages 3 onwards as an extra curricular activity. I taught modern dance in Rome, Italy with my mother and also in Washington, DC.

    I came to Sweden in 2008 with my family.

    The classes will be in English to enhance the children’s english knowledge.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Thank you in advance.

  • Teresa 5 Apr 2012

    Here is my review of Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm-

    We have been with the school this past year; this being their first year of operation. We moved from one of the other schools listed above and our review of the school can be summed up as-


    The reasons for these comments-

    1. the education level is mediocre-the kids are just not challenged enough where you get homework to match your competence.

    2. There is way too much time spent in music, gym, playtime, or reading quietly at your desk with no interaction with the teacher.

    3. All children from 2nd grade on wards are being taught Adele’s song-“rolling in the deep” for a chorus performance and the music teacher finds nothing wrong with the lyrics.

    4. Foul language is staple- “F***” bombs are rampant.

    5. Kids get pummeled by bullies and the teacher does not even care to report the incidence to the parents of the victim.

    6. No grievances are ever addressed seriously. The principal is just lackadaisical if not running between campuses to cover vacancies in other schools.

    7. There are 25 students in each class and no assistant dedicated to the classes. When the teacher is absent the vacancy is not filled by a substitute teacher but by a fritids staff- party time for the kids until the day their teacher comes back-mercifully the teacher hasn’t been away for extended breaks.

    We have decided to go the extra mile and shell out more money for one of the other options.

  • Tessa 5 Apr 2012

    Reviewing Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm-

    We have been with the school this past year; this being their first year of operation. We moved from one of the other schools listed above and our review of the school can be summed up as-


    The reasons for these comments-

    1. the education level is mediocre-the kids are just not challenged enough where you get homework to match your competence.

    2. There is way too much time spent in music, gym, playtime, or reading quietly at your desk with no interaction with the teacher.

    3. All children from 2nd grade on wards are being taught Adele’s song-“rolling in the deep” for a chorus performance and the music teacher finds nothing wrong with the lyrics.

    4. Foul language is staple- “F***” bombs are rampant.

    5. Kids get pummeled by bullies and the teacher does not even care to report the incidence to the parents of the victim.

    6. No grievances are ever addressed seriously. The principal is just lackadaisical if not running between campuses to cover vacancies in other schools.

    7. There are 25 students in each class and no assistant dedicated to the classes. When the teacher is absent the vacancy is not filled by a substitute teacher but by a fritids staff- party time for the kids until the day their teacher comes back-mercifully the teacher hasn’t been away for extended breaks.

    We have decided to go the extra mile and shell out more money for one of the other options.

  • […] that you want your child to go to an international preschool; perhaps even one that feeds into an International School or you may prefer a local one; it’s important that you find the right preschool that […]

  • Amir Hashemi 12 Jan 2013

    We are Swedish citizen living abroad. My daughter goes to french school in Montreal. English would be easier for her. She goes to grade 7 now.

    We are planning to move back to Sweden. My daughter speak no Swedish. Aren’t schools free in Sweden? If not what are the expenses.

    Reading the comments above I am really concerned that the quality of the international school in Sweden does not match the native schools. Appreciate any feedback.

  • Sandy 20 Jan 2013

    Tessa, so what school did you end up putting your children in? And has anyone had experience with ISSR (International School of the Stockholm Region)? We will be moving this summer with my sons who are currently in 3rd and 5th grade in the States.

  • Sophie Bailey 20 Jan 2013

    I am too an English primary school teacher about to move to Stockholm. Did you find any employment?

  • joan wohlner 24 Jan 2013

    ISSR is the only one all in English that doesnt charge. It is run by the commune and brand new for the younger children. My grandchildren go to their IB gymnasium and that has been good.

    But remember that ISS charges hefty fees and thus has more money/child to spend. No school can compare to that if you are willing to pay.

    • Sandy 5 Feb 2013

      I didn’t understand what you meant by ‘hefty fees’ at ISSR. It is one of 2 schools that we are considering for my sons.

  • Angelika 21 Mar 2013

    You need to add ISSR (International School of the Stockholm Region) to your list above.

    Sandy: ISS and ISSR are two different schools. ISS chargers fees. ISSR is a free, state-run international school with the IB curriculum (age 5-high school).

    • Farrah Gillani 21 Mar 2013

      Hi Angelika,
      ISSR is on the list, just after Futuraskolan

  • […] English speaking schools (age 5 and up) in Sweden […]

  • […] English speaking schools in Sweden […]

  • […] it’s worth familiarising yourself with the Swedish education system and calling up either a school or preschool that you’re interested in applying for in advance. If your family includes a four […]

  • Mohamoud 21 Sep 2013

    Our school (http://www.kistaschool.se/) is missing in the list.

    • Farrah Gillani 24 Sep 2013

      Thank you Mohamoud – we shall update our file.

  • Lisa 3 Oct 2013

    @Teresa-I wish I had found your review earlier.Our experince was bad enough.

    Its an awful school that cheats under the International word.The teachers are not qualified and are always dishing out only printouts from the net. Teaching assistants teach most of the time .I wonder how Skolverket and the inspection guys did not figure out this.The principal is not bothered with a basic necessity as road safety and even after 3 years there was not a single sign of a School Zone around this school. It clearly shows how effektive this principal is.

  • Shaista Zaheer 27 Dec 2013

    Hello….I am a teacher from Pakistan,recently came in Sweden with family.I have a vast experience of teaching,teachers training and administrative posts in schools.I am seeking any job in English language school.I can teach pre primary and primary level.I can teach Science in high level.

    Please guide me what is the selection procedure as a teacher.

    Best Regards

  • […] that you want your child to go to an international preschool; perhaps even one that feeds into an International School or you may prefer a local one; it’s important that you find the right preschool that works for […]

  • Emily 7 Aug 2014

    hi ,
    im really interested with peoples experiences with Elma international school and Kista international school.
    They both seem to be Swedish schools that have an english profile right. the curriculum is the Swedish Lararoplan right?


    • Nagendra 16 Jun 2015

      Hi Gayatri,

      I am also in the same situation now. Did you find the right school with English language ?
      Anybody knows, how the studies in http://www.kistaschool.se/ ?


  • Gayathri 24 Nov 2014

    hi all,
    We come from India .We are having a 7 year old kid.We want to put her in a English School.We live in Hammarbyhöjden, Stockholm.Are there any english schools nearby.I dont know the places around..so not able to locate a school.Where can we find the details about schools.please help

    • Rajesh 11 Jan 2017

      Hi Gayathri,

      I am also from India and I have a daughter of 6 years. I am looking for English school. Do you have any inputs for me.

  • Viswanathan 11 Dec 2015

    Hi All,
    Can anybody please confirm whether ISSR expects that the child needs to have a person number when she starts attending classes? I have a person number but my daughter and wife do not have a person number. Will this affect her chances of joining ISSR? Can you please let me know? Thanks.

    Best Regards

  • sp 7 Feb 2020

    What is the name of ISSR school

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