27 Jul 2024
Swedish Culture
Community Swedish Culture

December Swedish Traditions: Gingerbread, Dynamite, Candles and… Donald Duck?

Swedish traditions fall thick and fast in December, from the lighting of the first advent candle to Christmas itself, with its mighty julbord. Two other equally large festivals feature: Nobeldagen, when those prestigious prizes are awarded right here in Stockholm and Lucia, the feast day dedicated to the saint of that name. Advent: Starts December […]

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Community Expat Cookbook Swedish Culture

Kanelbullens Dag: Cinnamon Bun Day

So we need more excuses to eat cinnamon buns, right? Luckily the 4th October is Kanelbullens Dag, or Cinnamon Bun Day. It’s not a venerable old tradition, since it’s only been around since 1999, but it is a way to justify sinking your teeth into one of Sweden’s most popular delicacies.  You may also like: Kanelbulle & […]

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Community Swedish Culture

Swedish National Day: June 6th

I had heard that Swedes have a ‘somewhat guarded attitude towards celebrating national day’. The reason, they are proud of their country, but they don’t feel any great need to show it. So then how do Swedes celebrate National day? I asked my Swedish friends and family. They hemmed and hawed over what they did on […]

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Community Swedish Culture Weddings

Swedish wedding traditions: the engagement

The warm spring weather marks the beginning of Sweden’s wedding (bröllop) season. Swedes like to do their weddings their own way – some will choose to be married in a church others on a boat, or a field in a converted barn. Related article  Swedish wedding traditions: customs and culture Related article  Swedish wedding traditions: […]

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Community Swedish Culture

The love of fika: kanelbulle & Butterkaka

Ever since my first visit to Sweden, I fell in love with many things Swedish including the beautiful countryside, nature, food and its people. This love at first sight happened over eleven years ago on a sunny day in June when I came to visit one of my closest Swedish friends. I was smitten with […]

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Community Swedish Culture

Fika | Swedish traditions

For those that are new to the city, here’s a little info on the Swedish FIKA. This is one word that on entering your vocabulary, will probably remain forever:-)

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Community Swedish Culture

Surströmming – a fishy affair

The infamous Surströmming or Scandinavian rotten fish, is part of the rich culinary landscape in Sweden … are you brave enough to try it? Our contributor has faced a tasting herself so read more ..

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Community Swedish Culture Weddings

Swedish wedding traditions: dinner & cake

In part 3 of our four part series on Swedish wedding traditions, we look at the Swedish wedding cake and banquet …

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Community Swedish Culture

Politics in Sweden, an American perspective

Understanding Swedish politics is quite a difficult task. With over 240 different local, municipal and country wide parties, its hard to keep it straight. Shirley Å Johannson shares her understanding of Swedish politics after a historical election year…

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