15 Feb 2025
Courses taught in English during 2013
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Courses taught in English during 2013

If you are new in town, want to meet other international people, or just learn a new skill or take a class, here’s a list of courses taught in English happening in early 2013.

For an English speaker in Stockholm, it can be hard to build the perfect social group. A great place to meet others is a one of Stockholm’s courses taught in English. We have searched the web, asked around, and have done are best to put together a list of courses tailored to Stockholm’s international group. Enjoy!!!

Here’s a list of classes you can ‘gift’ to your friends, family and even yourself.

Classes taught in English in Stockholm

If you are hosting or know of any other courses taught in English, please either email us about them or leave a comment below.


Classes run in English Starting in Early 2013


Painting for Young People (Age 16 +)


Come and try different materials, learn basic techniques and develop your creativity. We will go through the basics of materials and techniques, works with common tasks and ideas.

Starts Thursday January 31st to April 18th and runs for 10 weeks

Thurs evenings from 19.00–21.15

Cost: 1650 SEK

For more information, click here


Oil Painting


Explore the many possibilities for expression and development offered by painting! Paint still life and use our own ideas for pictures.

Starts Thursday January 31st to April 18th and runs for 10 weeks

Thurs evenings from 19.00–21.15

Cost: 2150 SEK

For more information, click here


Improv. (Beginners level)

Theater: Improvisation & Co. in Odenplan

This class teaches the basic fundamentals of improvisation – spontaneity, listening, accepting and responding.

Date: Wednesday February 6 – April 24th from 19.50 – 22.05

Hours: 30

Instructor: Joshua Lenn

Course fee: SEK 2450

To sign-up go to the following link: http://improco.se/im.php?m=2&c=8&cn=Improv&p=63


Improv (Continuation)

Theater: Improvisation & Co. in Odenplan

This class takes the basic fundamentals of improv spontaneity, listening, accepting and responding to the next level and focuses a lot on scene work, long form formats, genre work as well as theater sports.

Date: Wednesday February 6 – April 24th from 17.30 – 19.45

Hours: 30

Instructor: Joshua Lenn

Course fee: SEK 2450

To sign-up go to the following link: http://improco.se/im.php?m=2&c=8&cn=Improv&p=82


Cake Decorating in English

Hej Sugar, Karlbergsvägen 54, 113 37 Stockholm

Susan Wright shares her wonderful skills in sugarcraft with 4 courses in English (click on the link for more details):

Introduction to cake decorating – Full day on either April 13th, May 4th or June 8th from 10:00 to 16:00

Fairytale Forest cupcake course – Full day on either April 20th or May 18th from 10:00 to 16:00

Introduction to Sugar Flowers – Evening course on either April 15th, May 6th or June 3rd from 18:30 to 20:30

Cute teddy bears – an introduction to cake modelling – Evening course on either April 29th, May 20th or June 10th from 18:30 to 20:30

For more information, click here


Creative Painting

Folkuniversitetet, Kungstensgatan 45, 113 59, Stockholm

This course is not about learning how to paint. It is about the exciting discovery of how painting and art making could help our deeper thoughts and silent feelings take shapes and forms and surface. It is about discovering the uniqueness of the creative expression when it is driven by our own emotions. Suitable for beginners and advanced.

Starts Friday February 15th, 2013 and runs for 10 weeks

Fri afternoons from 15.00–17.15

Cost: 2975 SEK

For more information, click here


Acting Workshop

Folkuniversitetet, Kungstensgatan 45, 113 59, Stockholm

Acting for beginners. The course will help you to be more confident in yourself, have fun on stage and learn some theatre keys with a mix of improvisation and drama methods.

Dates: Starts Saturday March 2nd from 10.00-13.30

Days: Runs for 4 weeks on Saturday mornings

Cost: 1450 SEK

For more information, click here


Photography without Photoshop

Folkuniversitetet, Kungstensgatan 45, 113 59, Stockholm

Would you like to take great pictures but do not have enough basic skills? Do you have a digital system camera but do not really know how to handle it? If so, this is a Suitable course for you.

Starts Thursday March 7th, 2013 and runs for 8 weeks

Thurs evenings from 17.30–19.45

Cost: 3600 SEK

For more information, click here


Photograph your baby

Folkuniversitetet, Kungstensgatan 45, 113 59, Stockholm

The course is designed for people who are on parental leave and who want to learn the basics of photography with a focus on taking portraits of your child. For children up to 12 months.

Starts Thursday March 7th, 2013 and runs for 5 weeks

Thurs afternoons from 13.30–15.00

Cost: 1350 SEK

For more information, click here


Guitar for Beginners

Folkuniversitetet, Kungstensgatan 45, 113 59, Stockholm

The beginner’s level works with different fingering techniques and accompaniment. You will learn chords and the basics of reading music.

Dates: Starts March 9th to April 13th from 11.00-13.15

Days: Runs for 5 weeks on Saturdays

Cost: 1775 SEK

For more information, click here


Creative writing

Medborgarskolan Hagagatan 23a, Hagagatan 23, Stockholm

The goal of this class is to find your own unique voice and to bring out the storyteller within you.

Starts Tuesday March 19th, 2013 and runs for 4 weeks

Tue evenings from 18.00–20.30

Cost: 1 232 SEK regular

For more information, click here


Writing your memoir – Telling our stories

Medborgarskolan Hagagatan 23a, Hagagatan 23, Stockholm

Creative writing is one of the best ways to explore and record your live’s stories.It is stimulating and Fulfilling way to express yourself, and you’re never too young or too old to discover its wonders.  In this class you will discover your own unique voice and bring out your inner storyteller

Sunday April 19th, 2013 from 10.00–15.00

Cost: 750 SEK

For more information, click here


Creative Writing and Narrative Theory

Folkuniversitetet, Kungstensgatan 45, 11359 Stockholm

English is one of the world´s major literary languages. Do you want to write in English, and learn its major narrative theories? Course Goals:

1. To familiarize participants with linguistic and narrative devices

2. To provide a historical background on compositional theory

3. To develop personal skills and writing styles

4. To introduce writers to the complexities of the publishing industry.

Dates: Starts Monday Feb 11th to 29th April, 2013 from 18.00–21.15

Days: Runs for 10 weeks on Mondays

Cost: 4090 SEK

For more information, click here


Music Production: Mixing Approach & Techniques

Folkuniversitetet, Kungstensgatan 45, 11359 Stockholm

This course is aimed to educate musicians who record Their Own music in a project studio, the mixing techniques distressed by professional mix engineers.

Dates: Website states ‘Prel. V.4-7’

Days: Runs for 8 weeks

Cost: 5900 SEK

For more information, click here



Two Day Beginners Yoga Course in English

Yoga Point, Inedalsgatan 21, 11233 Stockholm

This course will teach you the basics of Yoga and prepare you for Level 2 Intermediate classes. You can also choose to stay practising in Level 1 classes enjoying its balancing, stress-relieving effects. Bring your yoga mat here if you are recovering from injury, depression, sickness or if you just prefer slower tempo, relaxation and want to learn deeper meaning of Yoga.

Dates: 19th & 26th of January from 10.00 – 11.15am

Days: Runs for 2 weeks on Saturday Mornings

Cost: 390 SEK

For more information, click here


Intermediate Yoga in English

Yoga Point, Inedalsgatan 21, 11233 Stockholm

Vinyasa yoga taught, but all classes are different according to the topic of the day and energy levels of the students. The teacher often combines several styles of yoga but is also inspired by martial arts, dance and using prana, the life force, as a basic fundamental source for the practice. 

Days: Tuesdays, Thursday and Sundays from 18:00 to 19:15

Cost: 10 sessions (drop in course) – 1300 SEK

For more information, click here


OMamma Course – PrenatalYoga in English

Yoga Point, Inedalsgatan 21, 11233 Stockholm

Prepare for labour by maintaining flexibility in the muscles as well as building strength to ensure easier labour and post-partum recovery. Yoga can be started earliest on preg. week 12 or any other time of the pregnancy. Post-Natal mOMs can return to their regular Yoga practice trough Baby&Me course two moths after the birth. 

Dates: Staring from 21st January, runs for 7 sessions

Days: Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9:45 to  10:45

Cost: 950 SEK

For more information, click here


Yoga in English:

Yin Yoga – Medborgarskolan  – Gångsätra gymnasium sports hall

When it comes to physical activity. yin yoga complements the dynamic (yang) yoga styles by focusing on connective tissue, joints and muscles, which you usually do not activate when exercising. The positions are held for several minutes allowing a gravity affect in a soft and comfortable way.

Dates: Starts January 13th from 17.15-18.45

Days: Runs for 17 weeks on Sunday evenings

Cost: 2500 SEK

For more information, click here


K Yoga

Aktiv Hälsa 4 TR, Marcusplatsen 7 (across from Dieselverkstaden) and Dieselverkstaden, Marcusplatsen 17, Sickla, Musik & Danssalen, 3 TR

K Yoga offers Hatha yoga courses in English but they have not put next year’s dates up yet. Keep an eye on their website.

Currently 1200 kr for 8 beginners classes or 160 kr for drop in classes


Skandinavisk Yoga och Meditationsskola

Västmannagatan 62, close to the Odenplan t-bana station

Yoga, relaxation and meditation at the Skandinavisk Yoga och Meditationsskola. No previous knowledge of yoga is not required for the beginner level classes.

March 18th – June 10th (no classes 1/4 & 25/4 to 17/5) Monday nights, 19.15 – 21.30 (9 classes) Price: 1590/1290 SEK

For more information, click here



Walking Meditation – Breath walking. Medborgarskolan Lindingö, Stockholmsvägen 62, Lindingö

A passport for both body and soul. We walk in silence and carry out various activities in the five-minute periods. Includes stretching and short meditation. No experience required.

Weekly Course from April 2nd (breaks for Easter in 14th week)

Tuesdays, 12.00 – 13.00 (10 classes)

Price: 995 SEK

For more information, click here



Pilates Light – Medborgarskolan  – Ansgar Church Multi hall one floor down, Odenvägen 3, Lindingö

For beginner and intermediate levels. You learn the Pilates system which functions as a tool for daily life. By practicing Pilates, you gain strength, flexibility, and improved posture. Through a combination of stretching, muscle extension and endurance at a relaxed pace, you will be strong and supple and improves your posture quickly and efficiently.

Weekly Course from January 14th (breaks for Easter in 14th week)

Mondays, 11.30 – 12.30 (16 classes)

Price: 1885 SEK

For more information, click here



Medborgarskolan Lindingö, Stockholmsvägen 62, Lindingö

Through breathing exercises and harmonious movement activated qi, life energy, and you get the flexibility and feel inner peace and balance. No experience required.

Weekly Course from January 15th (breaks for Easter w/b April 14th)

Tuesdays, 11.00 – 12.00 (16 classes)

Price: 2400 SEK

For more information, click here




Lidingö your new home – Medborgarskolan Lindingö, Stockholmsvägen 62, Lindingö

If you have just moved to Lidingö and would like more information about the beautiful island, than this lecture is for you! They will introduce Lidingö to you: where to shop, restaurants, archipelago trips, clubs, museums, Swedish customs, nature walks.

Make your first friends and meet people in the same situation.

Monday March 11th 2013 19.30–21.00

Cost: 195 SEK

For more information, click here


Evening Fishing

Evening Fishing – location to be confirmed (meet at Lindingö shore)

Learn the theory and practice of this Swedish recreational sport. Equipped with a fishing rod and the right bait, we venture out to Lidingö shores to fish.

Tuesday March 16th 2013 19.30–22.30

Cost: 495 SEK

For more information, click here


Article and Research by Hannah Bradley

Photo Credit: LexnGer


  • Shaena 12 Jan 2013

    Anyone know of stained glass classes? I’d love to learn to do that!

    • Farrah Gillani 13 Jan 2013

      I’ve not heard of any, Shaena, sorry. But it might be worth asking someone here?

    • Pat 16 Jan 2013

      My friend is a glass painting teacher. Let me know if you’d like to get in touch with her!

      • Nina 15 Jun 2016

        Hello Pat, I hope my message will reach you – I am looking for stained glass paining classes/courses/teachers and would appreciate if you could share your friend’s contact details with me. Many Thanks, Nina

  • Melle 27 Feb 2013

    Does anyone know of any water colour or drawing courses that would be on this summer?

  • indrei dorin daniel 8 Apr 2013


    i would like to take a painting class, so i was wondering if you have something available starting mid may.

    im 30 years old so i would like to be in a grup close to my age.

    let me know if you have something like that, and if i can joyn.

    best regards


  • Iara Mletchol 7 Nov 2013

    Hi, I’m new here! I will move in to Stockholm on March/2014. Does anyone know if these courses would be run on the next year too? I’m very interested in!!

    Thanks in advance!

    • Solveig Rundquist 8 Nov 2013

      Hi there Iara! Hm, good question, we’ll be sure to create an updated list before you arrive. In the meantime, I would recommend following the links for the classes and seeing if the pages have been updated.

      Here is a list of courses given in English at Folkuniversitetet, and I do believe it is updated regularly:


      • Iara Mletchol 11 Nov 2013

        Hi, Solveig! Thank you for your attention! By the way, this site is amazing! It’s been helping me a lot! I’ve been learning a lot of the Swedish Culture with YLC!

        Best regards,


  • Jhady Arana 6 Nov 2014

    Hi, I loved the website!
    I have a question and it would be very great if you could help me: I want study cinema in Sweden. Now I don’t have enough time to do an university course in Sweden, because I will go to Stockholm with tourist visa for the first 3 months then I will try to extend the tourist visa for more 3 months. I’m studing swedish but I can’t study cinema in swedish. The question is: Do you know any place that I can do short courses in the cinema area and in english? If you don’t know any cinema course, can be any course in communication area, like design, writing, photo… (I saw some courses you already posted)
    I’m a journalist and I want do something! If you know some place that need someone to work too, it will be great! Thanks!!

    • Fiona Warner 6 Nov 2014

      Hej hej
      There are many courses in English. We would suggest contacting the Universities directly (by email or phone) and asking if they run any relevant courses for you.
      Best of luck!

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