27 Jul 2024
Recipe of the week: Chokladbollar
Community Expat Cookbook Swedish Culture

Recipe of the week: Chokladbollar

No doubt you have seen them in Stockholm cafés and if you’ve tasted them you know how irresistible they are!  But did you know they’re the easiest thing ever to make? That’s right, this Sunday, get ready to roll some Swedish Chokladbollar.


The recipe for these little delights is pretty basic – and mainly involves stuff generally found in a Swedish kitchen. You’ll find Swedes are divided on whether the topping should be coconut (which I prefer and therefore use) or pärlsocker  (nib sugar) – but both are acceptable in a traditional Chokladboll-recipe.


What you need:

100 g butter (at room-temperature)

1,5 dl sugar

3 dl porridge oats

1 teaspoon vanilla sugar

3 tablespoons cocoa powder

2 tablespoons of cold coffee

desiccated shredded coconut


What to do:

Mix the oats, butter and sugar well in a bowl. Add vanilla sugar and cocoa powder to the dough and mix well (best to use hands).

Lastly add the cold coffee. Mix well.

Pour shredded coconut on a plate. Form dough into small (or large) balls and roll on the plate until covered with coconut.  If you can bear the wait – put into fridge for half an hour to cool – if not – devour immediately.


Top tip: There is no easier way to cheer up little ones during a rainy day than to let them make their own Chokladbollar. However – if you’re planning on eating any yourself – beware that when kids are involved most of the dough is generally eaten way before it hits the coconut. Just sayin.  


Rebecca Martin

Follow Rebecca and Your Living City on Twitter!


  • J 13 Jun 2013

    Are “porridge oats” the same as oatmeal? And do the oats need to be cooked first?

    • Rebecca 13 Jun 2013

      Yes, it’s the same – and no they don’t! 🙂

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