27 Jul 2024
Expat Cookbook
Expat Cookbook

Expat Cookbook: A Lasagna Worth Making

Any true-blooded Italian man claims his mamma’s beef lasagna is second to none. Those who have tried my 4-hour labour of love reluctantly admit it is second to only their madre’s, cheekily adding it is their duty to say so. And over the years, I have been asked by a few women married to Italians […]

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Community Culture Expat Cookbook Featured Lifestyle Swedish Culture What's on: Stockholm

A Smörgåsbord Indulgence This Summer

This Scandinavian summer go native by indulging in the smorgasbord – a Swedish gastronomical buffet tradition also enjoyed during Christmas and special occasions and celebrations like a birthday or silver wedding anniversary. Relish in the wide array of hot and cold hors d’oeuvres served in five rounds; with this sequential structure first introduced by the […]

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Community Expat Cookbook Featured Uncategorized

Expat Cookbook: Nordic Fish Cakes With Herb Dip

Think Nordic cuisine and visions of salmon, cod and herring come clearly to mind; either cured, fermented or raw. Yet this region has hundreds of variations of the pan seared fish cake too. Like all these traditional fish cakes, my own adaptation can be served hot or cold, along with a refreshingly light and minty […]

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Community Expat Cookbook Uncategorized

Expat Cookbook: Beef & Vermicelli Salad

As summer arrives, we turn our thoughts to dishing up light and refreshing lunches. Suitably fitting our culinary desires to the T is this new Asian salad that beautifully marries the flavours of China with South East Asia’s, especially when it is harmoniously accompanied by a thirst quenching cider or a nicely chilled rosé. Ingredients: […]

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Expat Cookbook

Expat Cookbook: Cheddar Soufflé

Nothing impresses more at a dinner party than serving a home-cooked soufflé. And when it is offered as a savoury appetizer, be prepared for the oohs and ahs to quadruple, especially when you share that this recipe draws culinary inspiration from that created by the chef who presides over a Michelin starred restaurant in the […]

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Community Expat Cookbook

Expat Cookbook: Brazilian Mussel Paella

Mariscada do Baiana hails from Santo Amaro in Brazil, with its strong African elements and where coconut-milk-laden recipes are typical. Normally served soupy, simple twists transform this Mussels With Rice dish into a Spanish inspiration – a comforting paella, rich with crusty bits sticking to the bottom of the frying pan, and yet still tasting […]

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Expat Cookbook

Expat Cookbook: Shellfish Bisque

It is a shame that many of us just bin the shells and heads whenever we serve up a prawn or langoustine dish, especially when what we discard gives such a wonderful fragrance and taste when used to make a contemporary-Irish-inspired shellfish bisque that keeps you warm as toast in nippy March in Stockholm. Ingredients: […]

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Community Expat Cookbook Swedish Culture

The Best Kanelbulle Recipe EVER

Summer is here and the time of picnics is upon us. What better to bring with you to the beach or the park than a basket full of delectable cinnamon buns?

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Community Expat Cookbook Swedish Culture

Summer Eats: Ugnspannkaka (Oven Pancake)

School’s out and hordes of holiday-heady and hungry children are suddenly at home during the day. So what to make? For a no-fuss lunch that suits all ages, it’s a no-brainer – Ugnspannkaka. During school holidays I suddenly that the number of kids turning up at mealtimes in my household can vary from 2 to […]

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Expat Cookbook Swedish Culture

Recipe of the Week: National Day Cake

It’s no secret that Swedes love their cake – and cookies, and candies, and everything sweet. So no wonder then that fika on National Day has its very own tasty confection…nationaldagsbakelse.

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