27 Jul 2024
daddy state
Family Lifestyle

Daddy State: Baby On Board

I’m on edge in a car with kids. The risk that one or all of them will go ballistic, wail, and demand immediate release from the vehicle weighs on me the entire ride…

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Family Lifestyle

Daddy State: Hello Playground…and Promotion?

I’m on paternity leave. I wonder if this also means a job promotion is around the corner. Two mini-trends I think I’ve spotted here in Sweden for people on parental leave: finding a new job at a different company, or moving up the organizational ladder. One maybe makes more sense than the other.   New job […]

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Family Lifestyle

Daddy State: Fuzzy Math

“Why is your hair fuzzy?” my daughter asked me. Sweden, I thought. Another thing to blame on Sweden. As an American, prices here in Sweden seldom fail to surprise me. After 13 years here, I still convert price tags into dollars and I’m still hurt by what the computation works out to. The pain doesn’t […]

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Family Family Activities Lifestyle Sports and Fitness Videos

Daddy State: Field of Dreams

This week, YLC columnist Joel Sherwood went to check out a baseball game – in Stockholm. He brought his camera – and the kids…

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Family Lifestyle

Daddy State: The Battle of Flat Pack City

As an American father of three and resident in Sweden since 2001, there is little YLC’s Joel Sherwood doesn’t know about the danger zones of Stockholm living…

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