27 Jul 2024
Family Family Activities What's on: Kids What's on: Stockholm

Sportlov in the City: Things to do with kids

 We’ve put together a few ideas for activities during the winter break, or Sportlov as they call it here.   Ice skating inside the Nordic Museum The Nordic Museum is bringing winter inside their big hall and the main attraction is ice skating indoors. On Wednesday the 2nd March there’s a special ice skating disco […]

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Family Sports and Fitness Swedish Culture Tourist Information What's on: Stockholm

Get your skates on – Stockholm!

In Sweden they say that ‘there is no bad weather – just bad clothes’ so get off the couch, get your greatcoat on – and pick up your skates on your way out! There are several great parks in the Stockholm area with ice skating rinks (some also rent out skates) and we’ve gathered a […]

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Family Family Activities Lifestyle What's on: Kids

What’s on and Where to Go with kids: February

As we head into February and start wondering if spring will ever arrive there’s still time to embrace the fabulous Stockholm winter, whether it’s indoors or out!  We know … WE KNOW! The Swedish winter can be long and by the time February rolls around we’re all ready for some light and warmth. But while […]

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Family What's on: Kids What's on: Stockholm

What’s On and Where to Go with Kids: January

It’s a brand new year and that means new things to explore and more fun to be had, especially for the kids! January is one of the slower, sleepier months on the calendar but don’t let the post-holiday ennui stop you from getting out there and enjoying all that Stockholm has to offer. Here’s some […]

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Tourist Information What's on: Stockholm

What’s On and Where to Go in Stockholm: January

The holidays are over and we’re all a bit exhausted but still, is sitting on the sofa really an option when there are so many interesting things to do in Stockholm? There are plenty of things to do in our vibrant city, from museum exhibitions to Opera to design during the month of January. Here’s […]

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Community Family What's on: Kids

What’s on and Where to Go in Stockholm with Children: December

Christmas is magical with children and never more so than in Stockholm, where there’s a winter wonderland of fun to be had. Enjoy Christmas crafting, Santa spotting and… dog shows? Here’s Your Living City’s guide to enjoying Stockholm with children this month.

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What's on: Stockholm

What’s On and Where to Go: December

The most wonderful time of the year has arrived – dreary November giving way to December. That means snow, candles, cookies – and YLC’s very own gift to you, a grand guide of where to be and what to do this month! The Christmas Spirit Walk Whether this is your first Christmas in Stockholm or […]

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What's on: Stockholm

YLC Guide: Beating the Swedish winter blues

Forget SAD-lamps, excessive vitamin D intake or mindless exercise – this is the YLC guide to coping with, and possibly even enjoying, Sweden’s long dark seasons. If you are like us, as the days get shorter, thoughts inevitably drift towards the coming winter, often with a certain amount of dread. Yes, winter here is long […]

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Family What's on: Kids

What’s on and Where to Go with Children: October

Celebrate your kids on International children’s day… and every day in October with the YLC guide to what’s on, kids. Halloween and Höstlov (the Autumn half-term) warrant an article by themselves, which will be out next week. In the meantime, brush up your hangul and get ready to Gangnam Style Stockholm. Photo Credit: Jennifer Lundqvist […]

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