14 Feb 2025
Try out roller derby with STRD

Try out roller derby with STRD

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26/03/2017 10:00 - 13:00
Konradsbergshallen, Konradsbergsgatan, Stockholm, Sweden
Address: Konradsbergshallen, Konradsbergsgatan, Stockholm, Sweden

Have you always wondered how it is to be an awesome cool roller derby player? (Of course you have!) This spring there will be three try on events with STRD – roll with them!

Everyone is welcome, this is just a try on so no matter if you think you want to play, officiate or just skate for the fun of it this is the event for you!

26/3 – Konradsbergshallen, kl 10-13
16/4 – Västertorpshallen, kl 10-12
7/5 – Gubbängshallen, kl 16-19

On skates, duh. And with all the proper protection gear! They will have gear to lend out, but if you have your own, bring it. If you want to borrow gear, please fill out this form to give them an estimate of the demand: https://goo.gl/forms/e7INqnzbf4AIEqCh1

This is just a chance to skate, to see if this might be something for you. They are planning a fresh meat program during the summer and hope that you want to join them after the try on. This time around they are opening their fresh meat program up for people 16 years old and up.