7 Mar 2025
SFI pays students to complete courses
Education Swedish Language Courses

SFI pays students to complete courses

Did you know you can get paid for completing Swedish language studies at SFI?

The Sfi Bonus means that you can get paid for completing some of the Swedish for immigrants language courses. The aim is for those of you who have just arrived in Sweden to learn Swedish more quickly, so it will be easier for you to get a job.

How the SFI bonus works:

  • You must have been registered in a municipality for the first time on 1 July 2010 or later.
  • You have to be between the ages of 18 and 64 years old.
  • You must have gained at least a Pass (Godkänt) grade on the course 1B, 2C or 3D.
  • You must have gained at least a Pass (Godkänt) grade at the latest twelve months after you started the course.
  • You must have gained at least a Pass (Godkänt) grade at the latest fifteen months after you were registered in a municipality for the first time.
  • You must send in an application for the sfi Bonus to the municipality where you live at the latest three months after you have successfully completed the course.

Funding amounts and requirements:

  • You have to gain at least the Pass (Godkänt) grade on the course 1B, 2C or 3D.
  • You must have completed the course within twelve months of starting it.
  • If you get at least Pass (Godkänt) for course 1B you may be paid SEK 6 000.
  • If you get at least Pass (Godkänt) for course 2C you may be paid SEK 8 000.
  • If you get at least Pass (Godkänt) for course 3D you may be paid SEK 12 000.
  • It is not possible to be paid more than SEK 12 000 altogether.
  • If you are entitled to Bonus money for a new course, the Bonus payment you have already received will be deducted.
  • You do not need to pay tax on your Bonus payment.

For more information, check out: http://www.skolverket.se/content/1/c6/02/08/95/Engelska.pdf


  • Judy Petersen 28 Jan 2011

    As a taxpayer, I’m interested in the reliablity and validity data of the instruments that are used to determine if SFI applicants “pass”. I’d also like to know if the instruments evaluate reading, speaking, and writing skills.

    If the tests haven’t been tested, then how do we know if (1) they measure what they purport to measure over time and (2) the applicants “deserve” the bonus?

  • Michael Elliott 9 Mar 2011

    You may want to, on the SFI Bonus section, note that if you came to Sweden expressly to work then you are not entitled to the Bonus:

    “These are the people who do not qualify for the sfi Bonus:

    People who have been studying here for some time.

    People who have come here to work.”

    When I first started SFI I was under the impression from the woman who registered me that I could claim this until I read the whole sheet. Just so people don’t get the wrong impression 🙂

  • […] SFI pays students to complete courses […]

  • […] fantastic. Within Stockholm itself, there are so many free resources; why, the government itself will pay YOU to learn Swedish.  Aside from all the courses available, it’s also worth joining the Stockholm Language […]

  • Briony Standley 30 Jan 2017

    Can you confirm please whether immigrants from all countries studying Swedish can claim costs when they pass courses. If so is this also for people who come her from other European countries.

    Many thanks

  • Yohannes D. Gebremedhin 11 Apr 2023

    I have completed sfi 3c and had godkänt. I jst came to know that I deserve to get payment. Can you please help how to go further to claim it.

  • Romodan 31 Jul 2023

    Where can I find the application form?

    • jack 4 Jun 2024

      I’m studying at the moment, it’s hard, but the teaching is very good and I’m slowly getting better. Don’t really care about the “bonus”, the fact lessons are free and so good is just fantastic

  • Daniela Cheda 21 Aug 2024

    I have approved sfi 3c and I am looking to get thr bonus. Could you please send me more information or the applicatio form to get it?

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