27 Jul 2024
More Colourful Yarns
Culture What's on: Stockholm

More Colourful Yarns

More than tulips and daffodils are adding their usual riot of colours to the streets of Stockholm this summer – some of the city’s fences, trees and public spaces are being covered over with colourful yarns. One of the artists contributing to yarnbombing the city is Julia Riordan.


Calling it “Yarnbombing Stockholm”,  Julia’s knitted visual art created in public locations combines her passion for crochet and knitting, since age 10, and her admiration for street art of all kinds. Her first yarnbomb involved the streets of London in 2013 while she was studying at the London College of Fashion. Now living in Stockholm, this street artist’s adrenaline and creativity continue to seek out more of this type of edgy expression here. Follow her latest creative yarn manifestations on Instagram @juliarioknit.

Tickled to own one of Julia’s creations? Since 2012 she has transformed her additional explorations in the field of knitwear by launching her own label, Julia Rio, specializing in unique colourful beanies: http://www.juliario.com



Or are you inspired to try your own hand at yarning an original imaginative handiwork of your own? Then head for the Art Porch at Tensta Konsthall before July comes to an end. Here you can embroider, tie friendship laces and lanyards, while learning from skilled teachers more about recycled crafts and wire craft techniques through the collaboration between Hemslöjden (The Handicraft Organization) and the Swedish Lace Association; with all materials provided.

The workshop is open Wednesday to Friday, 13:00 to 16:00, all summer – rain or shine. The Art Porch at Tensta Konsthall is at Taxingegränd 10, 163 04 Spånga



Photo credits: Nina Uddin, Julia Riordan & Tensta Konsthall

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