27 Jul 2024
judi lembke
Sports and Fitness Swedish Culture Tourist Information

Something for the Weekend: Vasaloppet

YLC’s Judi Lembke has the lowdown on Sunday’s main event; Sweden’s biggest, baddest ski race, where thousands of participants take to their skis to follow in the footsteps of an ancient king. Ah, yes, Vasaloppet, where thousands upon thousands of Swedes, along with people from all over the world, jump on their skis to race […]

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Swedish Culture

Christmas 2013: No Julafton without Kalle Anka

A Christmas Eve in Sweden wouldn’t be the same if there wasn’t duck on the menu – Donald Duck, that is. YLC’s Judi Lembke explains Swedish Christmas, one tradition at a time… If you’ve attended even one Swedish Christmas Eve celebration then you already know that there’s little chance of avoiding the Kalle Anka tradition.  This […]

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Swedish Culture Tourist Information What's on: Stockholm

Lucia in Sweden: Light in Dark December

Come Friday Stockholm will be overrun with white-clad kids and girls with candles in their hair. YLC’s Judi Lembke explains Swedish Christmas, one tradition at a time…   We already know that winter in Sweden is cold, it’s dark and it sometimes feels like the sun will never show its face again. Here enters Lucia, […]

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Café Culture Dining out Tourist Information

Posh Stockholm Eats on the (relative) Cheap

Eating out in Stockholm can be very expensive, even at lunch. But there are bargains to be had and we don’t mean the local burger kiosk or a cafeteria lunch. YLC’s Judi Lembke knows where to go! If you know where to go in the city –  there is no reason you can’t eat in […]

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Swedish Culture Tourist Information

Nobel Prize: Winners 2013

In the heady days of Nobel week – YLC’s Judi Lembke sets out to educate, nay, inform our readers on just who will be receiving the esteemed Nobel Prizes from Royal hands in 2013. In years past everything from Bucky Balls to Doris Lessing being grumpy has made Nobel season a bit more interesting. But […]

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Swedish Culture Tourist Information

Celebrating Nobel Day: the YLC Guide

No invite to the Nobel Banquet yet? Starting to suspect you’ll be left organising festivities on your own? YLC’s Judi Lembke on how to create your own Nobel fun. Back when I worked for a well-known  Swedish news outlet I was lucky enough to attend the Nobels twice and if I’m honest with you the […]

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