27 Jul 2024
Café Culture Dining out

Stockholm’s Top Kanelbullar of 2023: The Ultimate Taste Test

When it comes to kanelbullar in Stockholm, there’s an abundance of options. Some are famous, while others come highly recommended by locals. However, this time, we decided to do things differently. We patiently waited until other media and trend-setters revealed their favorite kanelbulle, and then we embarked on a mission to try out the absolute […]

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Café Culture Dining out Swedish Culture

My Favorite Cafes – In and Around Stockholm

One of my absolute favorite things about Sweden is the Swedish fika, or coffee break. Swedes have utterly perfected this fika thing, which actually encompasses much more than simply taking the American “ten minute coffee break” at work. It is a social institution, utilized by friends, family and the work place alike, and almost always […]

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Community Expat Cookbook Swedish Culture

The Best Kanelbulle Recipe EVER

Summer is here and the time of picnics is upon us. What better to bring with you to the beach or the park than a basket full of delectable cinnamon buns?

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Expat Cookbook Swedish Culture

Recipe of the Week: National Day Cake

It’s no secret that Swedes love their cake – and cookies, and candies, and everything sweet. So no wonder then that fika on National Day has its very own tasty confection…nationaldagsbakelse.

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Café Culture Community Culture Dining out Lifestyle Swedish Culture Tourist Information

Al Fresco Eating: Five Fave Outdoor Stockholm Cafés

In the short-lived but magical spirit of Swedish summer, YLC’s Kirsten Smart has hustled together her finest selection of outdoor cafés and eateries so that YOU too can feel the unbridled pleasures of eating al fresco!

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Café Culture Community Expat Cookbook Swedish Culture

YLC Top Five Swedish Fika

During our Christmas giveaways we asked our readers to give us their recommendations on their most favourite fika – here are a few of our favourites. Enjoy! If you’ve recovered from all that Christmas baking and feel ready to get back into the kitchen we’ve included links to all the fika recipes, so why not take a chance […]

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Expat Cookbook Swedish Culture

Glöggfika: the Swedish Christmas social

So, it’s almost Christmas and your boss/neighbour/Swedish friend has requested your attendance at a function beginning with glögg-something. What to expect? What to bring? The questions are a-massing…  December is drawing nigh, it’s peak glögg-glugging time and chances are that you’ve been invited to a glöggfika, or perhaps you want to hold your own only… you […]

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Expat Cookbook

Recipe – Dajmkladdkaka (Daim Chocolate Cake)

Daim, that magical crunchy, chocolately toffee bar that sometimes seems well worth a few cavities. If you’re a fan then this is the cake for you.   What you need: The base: 200 g butter 200 g dark chocolate 4 large eggs 1 1/2 d. sugar 2 172 dl flour pinch of salt Cream topping:  […]

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Café Culture Community Expat Cookbook

Recipe: Sarah Bernhardt cookies

These cookies are a magical mix of chewy biscuit, creamy filling and a gently crunchy chocolate coating. They’re deceptively simple to make but if you get it right harps will play, birds will sing, poems will be written … and you’ll be feted from one end of your home to the other. Good luck! Named […]

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Café Culture Community Expat Cookbook

Recipe: Semla

Originally eaten only on Shrove – Fat – Tuesday, Semla buns are a rare treat of pastry, almond paste and fluffy cream. The Protestant Reformation meant that Swedes stopped observing a strict fast during Lent and thus semla are usually available in Sweden from shortly after Christmas right up until Easter – although Shrove Tuesday […]

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