27 Jul 2024
White Lies @ Berns

White Lies @ Berns

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Album number five represents a decade of music for White Lies. 10 years after the debut album "To Lose My Life ...", the band releases "Five", on February 1, 2019. It is a decade of a world that has changed - and with a fan army that grows stronger every year and with each release . Shortly after the release of "Five" White Lies returns to Sweden!´


The new album is described the band itself as follows:
“This is a mile stone record for White Lies. It marks our decade as a band, which has pushed us to expand our sound and reach new territory artistically - it marks the start of a new and exciting chapter for us."

Album number five is, according to the band, even more complex and more daring than the previous releases - with even more personal lyrics, the bassist Charles Cave says. It's an album that can take White Lies to the next level - especially after hearing the new song "Time To Give".