27 Jul 2024
Beach House @ Münchenbryggeriet

Beach House @ Münchenbryggeriet

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08/10/2018 19:00 - 23:00
Address: Münchenbryggeriet Event & Konferens, Torkel Knutssonsgatan, Stockholm, Sweden

Baltimore's duo Beach House has dazzled us with its magnificent and melancholic dream pop for over a decade. In May, the band returned with its seventh studio album, strategically named "7" - and when released, Beach House will have release 77 songs in total. The first single "Lemon Glow" and the second one was "Dive" - two receipts on Beach House grandeur. This autumn, Beach House makes three gigs on Swedish soil - October 4 at the Mejeriet in Lund, October 5th at Trädgår'n in Gothenburg and October 8 at the München Brewery in Stockholm.