20 Jan 2025
First Aid Kid @ Globen

First Aid Kid @ Globen

Johanna Söderberg, First Aid Kit
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The sisters Söderberg in First Aid Kit, with an extraterrestrial consensus, have sung from Svedmyra to the world.


It is alleged that the Crosby, Stills and Nash clergy first understood how extraterrestrial their voices were at a party at Joni Mitchell's home. More or less by chance. At what time the sisters in the First Aid Kit discovered their vocal super-synergy is certainly not as rock-biographically yummy, but the result is just as magical. But possibly it was when their father Bengt encouraged the sisters Klara and Johanna Söderberg to sing so loudly that it could be heard through the walls. A task that might prove overpowering for one voice, but feasible for two. So they took in, strengthened each other and developed the vocal symbiosis that not only took them through the house walls of Svedmyra but out into the world

After that, First Aid Kit has released five records, one better than the other. Seemingly relieved of anxiety, they have continued to walk in the most American of landscapes without for a moment forgetting that they are Johanna and Klara Söderberg. Right now they are touring the world with their latest album Ruins (2018) and a last summer they offered a least extraordinary gig at Popaganda in Stockholm. Now is the time to screw up the slider another snap with two huge gigs, one at the Globen and the other at Malmö Arena.