27 Jul 2024
Comedy Extraordinary Expats

Sverige Syndrome by Al Pitcher

It is definitely not a surprise that Al Pitcher has had such a meteoric success. He has definitely left behind the tiny stand-up scenes and is now selling out big theatre scenes. We had the PLEASURE (yes, I feel the need to write PLEASURE in capitals) to see his latest show Sverige Syndrome during its Stockholm […]

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Comedy Swedish Culture What's on: Stockholm

How To Become Swedish In 60 Minutes

Your Living City was invited to an extraordinary show, which ironically was about the most ordinary thing we have in our lives… the Swedes. Yes the Swedes and Swedishness, something we who live in Sweden deal with every day of our lives, but sometimes something so difficult to understand. If you, like me, have left your homeland and […]

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Comedy Extraordinary Expats Videos

Comedian Al Pitcher on making people laugh

We bring you the second part of our interview with Stockholm-based stand-up comedian Al Pitcher, who we met for a great chat to talk about his comedy career and his life in Sweden. You may have recently seen Al in his laugh-fest of a one-hour SVT special called “Fy Fan Sverige”, which is still available to […]

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Comedy Extraordinary Expats Videos

Comedian Al Pitcher on life in Sweden

We bring you the first part of our interview with Stockholm-based comedian Al Pitcher! We had the opportunity to sit down and have a chat with stand-up comedian Al Pitcher at an atmospheric hotel bar with 1920s swing music playing in the background and setting the mood. Never mind that it was 9 am on […]

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Comedy Culture Theatre What's on: Stockholm

Improvised Troubadour Tales

International Theater Stockholm is bringing us Troubadour Tales – a new improvised show about dreams. It will run alongside their improv classic Lost in Translation this fall. What is Troubadour Tales? “Troubadour Tales” is a completely improvised show that explores how the pursuit of our dreams drives our lives. And all the obstacles we are willing to […]

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Comedy Movies Music Swedish Culture

Unmissable TV this autumn

Autumn is here and whether we want it or not we become a little bit more comfortable staying at home and cozying up on our sofas enjoying a good film or a good tv show. And some of Sweden’s biggest TV channels know it! We had a chance to have a sneak peek on what […]

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Comedy Culture Theatre What's on: Stockholm

British Comedian Josie Long comes to Stockholm

Laughing Stock is bringing award-winning British comedian Josie Long to Stockholm for her first shows in Sweden. She can be seen in the intimate Kafé Klavér on the 2nd and 3rd October. Josie Long is the star of BBC Radio Four’s All Of The Planet’s Wonders and Short Cuts – as seen on BBC1’s Have […]

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