27 Jul 2024
Community Expat Cookbook

Thanksgiving Treat: XO Cognac Chicken Stew

A tradition celebrated in the United States of America, the initial Thanksgiving was held for the English Pilgrims’ successful first corn harvest in November 1621. As it stemmed solely from the Native Americans’ initiative in freely teaching them this cultivation technique, then Governor William Bradford organized the three-day harvest celebration as a big thank you. […]

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Community Expat Traditions

Thanksgiving Supplies in Stockholm

Running around like a headless… chicken to get everything ready for Thanksgiving? Never fear – YLC has got the info on where you can buy your turkey and all the standard trimmings for the big dinner. Get your Turkey Day on in Stockholm!

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Community Expat Traditions

The YLC guide to a Stockholm Thanksgiving

YLC’s Amy Johansson on pilgrim selfies, potential potlucks and where to go if you are gagging for some pumpkin pie but find cooking just that little bit too much to stomach! I moved to Sweden two years – and two Thanksgivings – ago. Though I am mad for the winter holiday season in my new […]

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