27 Jul 2024
Community Finding a Job Networking Work & Money

Andreas Wennberg helps newcomers in their quest for a job in Sweden

I had the opportunity to contact Andreas, a man who dreams about making the world a better place. But dreaming is not helping anyone to achieve what you want, so he launched a startup where he was the one to seek for funding, involved in the marketing, web development and so on. But let’s take a […]

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Community Networking Networking Work & Money

Interview: Marie Wetterstrand, coach and mentor

Marie Wetterstrand says she’s working with people who would like to be the best version of themselves. Her work through her own company covers areas like coaching, mentoring and leadership development. We talked with her about her insights into personal development. Marie explains she can for example help people with questions like I am not happy in my […]

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Community Finding a Job Networking Networking Work & Money

Mitt Livs Chans gives academic immigrants a chance

What is Mitt Livs Chans? Mitt Liv AB (svb) is a social enterprise focused on a vision of an inclusive society and a labour market that values diversity. The core of our business currently centres on the mentoring program Mitt Livs Chans.  This unique program/course aims to bridge the gap between qualified people of foreign […]

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Community Networking Networking Volunteering Work & Money

Open doors to create a future

A person or an organization fighting for integration will not only give you the power to fight, but the hope to dream about something that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise when you’re a foreigner. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs gives us the path for a life fulfilled with harmony. Besides the biological, physiological, safety and love […]

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Community Extraordinary Expats

Extraordinary Expat: Entrepreneur Mary-Rose Hoja

With her sparkling smile and tumbling blonde locks you might not peg Mary-Rose Hoja as a scientist with an entrepreneurial spirit. Once you meet her in person, though, there’s no doubt that this is a woman of enormous drive, intellect and charm. With a PhD in the sciences in her pocket and a good portion of […]

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