27 Jul 2024
Family Family Activities

Amazing Places to Celebrate Your Child’s Birthday in Stockholm

90% of people would prefer to celebrate their birthday with friends, and it is common for a child’s birthday party to be with classmates and loved ones. Often there is a traditional Princesstårta, a sponge cake that is covered with a deceiving layer of green marzipan. There will be singing of Ja, må han/hon leva – […]

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Expat Cookbook Swedish Culture

Recipe of the Week: Prinsesstårta (Princess Cake)

Anyone who knows ANYTHING about Swedish cakes knows that there is one cake in particular that Swedes are passionate about. That’s right, people, I am talking Prinsesstårta or Princess Cake. It’s a kind of “one cake to rule them all” situation, really. The recipe is believed to originate from the 1930s and was originally called […]

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