16 Oct 2024
Tillsammans Cup

Tillsammans Cup

View Calendar
06/06/2017 10:00 - 17:00
Enskede idrottsplats, Enskedevägen, Enskede, Sweden
Address: Enskede idrottsplats, Enskedevägen, Enskede, Sweden

Tillsammans Cup started last year as a football tournament for local youths and newcomers and it's grown into a national movement for diversity.


There will be more than 400 young people playing football together to celebrate the national day at Enskede sportsfield. There will also be food trucks and other activities, as well as some pretty amazing artists playing live.


And it's all FREE!



10.00 - Kick off
10.30 - Behrang Miri
10.35 - Stepz Dansskola
11.00 - Nova Becc
11.30 - Strandels
12.00 - Inauguration with CLEO
12.15 - Poetry Slam
12.30 - Iman
12.45 - Elaine (DJ)
13.00 - Tussilago
13.30 - Beri
13.45 - Eboniks
14.00 - Erik Lundin
14.45 - Södra Station
15.00 - Swedish National Football Team
15.15 - Madi Banja
15.45 - Death Team
16.00 - Slag från hjärtat
16.30 - Prize ceremony
16.45 - Finish