17 Jan 2025
The Air Will Be Pure

The Air Will Be Pure

View Calendar
28/04/2017 14:30 - 18:00
Address: Cannot determine address at this location.


Meet, mingle and listen to inspiring talks on art, design & architecture.
World premiere of Superbenches created by 10 international designers to challenge the idea of a park bench. Together they tell the story of a diverse society adjusting to our future city life. ArkDes superintendent Keiran Long moderates a renowned panel with Felix Burritchter, Max Lamb, Eva Franch and many more.

WHEN: FRIDAY APRIL 28th, 14.30-18.00
WHERE: KULTURHUSET, FOAJÉ 3 – Escalators from them ain entrance to the third floor.
RSVP: [email protected] LATEST APRIL 21st


14.30-15.00 – Registration/Mingle

15.00-16.00 – Design a Story Competition – announcement of winners.
Paneltalk with the jury: Nick Axel, Eva Franch & Jimenez Lai.
Moderated by Keiran Long.

We focus on Design a Story, a competition of image and storytelling in and around the site of Kvarnbacken in Järfälla. In the call for submissions the participants have been encouraged to re-imagine the future, the past and even the present in Järfälla and Kvarnbacken.

15.00-17.00 – Superbenches – Sitting down in public. Introduction by Andreas Angelakis and Felix Burrichter. Panel talk with participating designers*. Moderated by Keiran Long.

Pre-launch of the superbenches project, curated by Felix Burrichter.
10 international designers each unveil a design for a park bench.
An initiative that aims to blur the line between exhibition and civic life experiment. All the benches will be inaugurated the following day at 14.00 at Kvarnbacken, Järfälla.

17.00-18.00 – Drinks, snacks and mingle.