15 Feb 2025
Hand To Toe Workout

Hand To Toe Workout

View Calendar
27/01/2018 12:00 - 13:00
Urban Ride
Address: Norrtullsgatan 11, 113 29 Stockholm, Sweden

Let's face it, up until January 3rd we have lots of good will and new years resolutions to be healthier, try new things and workout more and then reality kicks in and routine takes over and we find ourselves rushing again. And it's ok!

That's when Best Of You comes in bringing together two very fun and efficient workouts that will, in 1hour, give you the kick, the novelty and the adrenaline rush you need!

This time, in addition to the best spinning class in town, they've teamed up with Elin from BREAK IT and you will MAKE IT who will challenge you to see things from another angle, upside down!

Join in for a handstand 101 class standing on your hands and then working those legs on the bikes! Perfect combo or what?

Price: 300 SEK
Registration: Sign up through link above
Additional information: The event will be held in Swedish or English /depending on the guest sign up.

For more information contact Best of You at [email protected]