8 Feb 2025
Fools Gold 2018 – Music Festival

Fools Gold 2018 – Music Festival

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18/08/2018 12:00 - 21:00
Address: Tanto Gatan, 117 41 Stockholm, Sweden

Fools Gold is Stockholm's new festival and market for independent labels.

The first festival will take place in Tantolunden on August 18th. Acts from some of the most groovy Swedish indie labels around will perform live and even more groovy labels will sell their vinyls throughout the day.

2018 offers music and records from PNKSLM Recordings, Lazy Octopus, Rama Lama Records, Birds Records, Adrian Recordings, Hybris, Strangers Candy, Welfare Sounds, Novoton, Rundgång Rekords, Startracks, Maternal Voice, Kollektivet Records and Youth Recordings.

The event is free and suitable for all ages, Fools Gold 2018 is made possible through support from Stockholm city, Kulturrådet and Svensk Live.

Fools Gold is a long-term project with ambitions and dreams to grow bigger and better, in order to do so we need all the support we can get. If you like what we do and want to contribute with a super duper small or even a very big donation you can Swish to 123 073 26 77 and we'll be forever thankful.

See you in Tanto on the 18th!

Kluster [Rama Lama]
Mira Aasma [Birds]
Riga Tiger [Youth]
Runtom Knuten [Lazy Octopus]
More acts TBA