16 Sep 2024
Finnish Christmas Market

Finnish Christmas Market

View Calendar
26/11/2016 11:00 - 15:00
Sverigefinska skolan i Stockholm, Fridhemsgatan, Stockholm, Sverige
Address: Sverigefinska skolan i Stockholm, Fridhemsgatan, Stockholm, Sverige

The Sweden-Finnish School arranges their annual Christmas Market on Saturday the 26th of November. This is one of the most important Finnish events of the year in Stockholm and at the market you can find everything from Finnish design, handicrafts and books to Finnish food like christmas casseroles and karjalanpiirakka.


Beside the school children and the parents' association there are plenty of other sellers at the market, some of them coming all the way from Finland.


The adress is Fridhemsgatan 17 and everybody's welcome.


Your Living City's own Nina Uddin actually has a big role in organising this Christmas Market - come and say Hi if you see her at the market.