27 Jul 2024
EuroPride Parade

EuroPride Parade

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04/08/2018 13:00 - 15:00
Stadshuset, Stockholm, Sweden
Address: Stadshuset, Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Pride Parade is the largest Pride Parade in Scandinavia. It is an event that should not be missed.

The Parade proceeds through the city of Stockholm as the single largest event of Stockholm Pride. It is a joyous and colourful manifestation of love and liberty, as well as a demonstration for everybody’s right to love whomever they want to.


The Parade is made up of 45 000 participants, marching through Stockholm, 200 floats, groups and vehicles, and attracts nearly half a million spectators to the streets of Stockholm.

The start is this year located at Stadshuset on Kungsholmen, via Hantverkargatan – Stadshusbron – Tegelbacken – runt Rödbodtorget – Vasagatan – Kungsgatan – Sturegatan – Lidingövägen – Östermalms IP, all the way to Pride Park at Östermalms IP.

The Parade usually takes 2 hours to reach its destination.

Parade tour:

Stadshuset – Hantverkargatan – Stadshusbron – Tegelbacken – runt Rödbodtorget – Vasagatan – Kungsgatan – Sturegatan – Lidingövägen – Östermalms IP


During the parade you can vote for your favorite group!