10 Feb 2025
About photography and sculpture in war and peace

About photography and sculpture in war and peace

Om fotografi och skulptur i krig och fred moderna museet stockholm About photography and sculpture in war and peace
View Calendar
31/03/2020 17:30 - 18:00
Moderna Museet
Address: Exercisplan 4, 111 49 Stockholm, Sweden

A guided tour of picture reports of war and peace in the Moderna Museet collection!

Image journalism broke through on a broad front during the interwar period, which changed how news was communicated to the general public. The new, small-screen camera that was easy to carry also contributed to greater freedom. It gave photographers the opportunity to quickly get out into the field and document everything from major traumatic conflicts to small everyday events. Among these photographers were Robert Capa, Ernest Cole, Hans Malmberg and Julia Pirotte.

Curator Anna Tellgren talks about some of their most famous image reports and how they ended up in the Modern Museum's collection.

Free entrance!
Limited number of seats. Get a seat ticket in the info desk. No advance booking.