22 Jan 2025
The Wombats @ Debaser

The Wombats @ Debaser

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23/04/2018 19:00 - 23:00
Debaser Strand
Address: Debaser Hornstulls Strand, Hornstulls strand, Stockholm, Sweden

Indie rock trio, The Wombats was formed in Liverpool in 2003 and since then, they have composed melodic songs with equal parts of euphoria as desperation. With hits like Let's Dance to Joy Division, Greek Tradgedy and Moving to New York, The Wombats have their own chapter in Indie Rock's history book, a new chapter in their journey now continues with the a album called "Beautiful People Will Ruin Your Life." The already released single Lemon to a Knife Fight testifies to the big-story - The Wombats have surpassed themselves.