11 Feb 2025
Networking in Stockholm
Networking Work & Money

Networking in Stockholm

THE INDUS ENTREPRENEURS or TIE Global, are a not-for-profit global network of entrepreneurs and professionals, that was founded 20 years ago in the US. It soon spread across the United States to Southern Asia and then into Europe.The Nordic Chapter of The Indus Entrepreneurs, was formed in Stockholm on May 29th, 2007.

The Nordic Chapter of The Indus Entrepreneurs is an official Swedish Non-Profit organization, based in Stockholm that was formed on May 29th, 2007. TiE Nordic, has to date organized more than 45 events, that has now attracted over 1,600 participants free-of-charge, which have been supported by our sponsors NorthZone Ventures, NOKIA, POD Venture Partners, Ohrlings Price Waterhouse Coopers, and the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship. TiE Nordic provides Nordic Entrepreneurs a platform to both share ideas and connect their interests with like-minded entrepreneurs in other regions of Europe, Asia, North America, & Australia.  Our events have focused on various themes ranging from Cleantech, IT/Telecom, Mobile Services, Start-Ups, Healthcare, and Private Equity.

Each month they gather people around a selected topic. The main focus of these events is not just to take away new knowledge on a subject, but more, to gather around a topic collectively, hear inspiring speakers and get to know other entrepreneurs within the region. These events are run for their members and invited guests. There are normally two events per month. On top of this they have monthly meeting’s about local issues and then more specific topics for international entrepreneurs thus creating an international focus.

Andreas Giallourakis, chapter manager at TIE Nordic, hopes that ‘every participant will walk away with one useful contact from each event. Its a perfect opportunity for foreigners to come and introduce themselves and state what they are looking for in terms of work or recruitment and mingle with more established entrepreneurs.’

This months event: Finance your growing venture –  Feb 23 2011.

‘At this months event we will listen to three guest speakers talking on the topic. Firstly, we will hear a presentation from Erik Martin, sharing his experience with venture capital financing. Erik Martin has extensive experience from the sector with more than 30 years as a Venture Capitalist and Business Angle.

Next, NASDAQ OMX will present First North and how to plan short and long term, when aiming for stock market listing.

And lastly, David Garpenstål will talk about his experiences on financing issues from the entrepreneur’s point of view.’

Time: 17.45 – 20.00, Wednesday February 23.

Place: Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship, Saltmätargatan 9, 4th floor, T Rådmansgatan

Cost: Free for members of TiE Nordic, 70 SEK/10 USD for non members. Registration compulsory.

Seats are limited, first come, first served.

Refreshments will be served.

Further Questions? Contact Andreas:

Andreas Giallourakis

Chapter Manager – TiE Nordic

[email protected]

Mobile phone: +46 704 417 654




Register at: http://link.tie.nu/networking_event_feb_finance

See more at: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=154165571303930


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