11 Feb 2025
Swedish ID card
Essentials Id Card

Swedish ID card

Whether you like it or not, one of the most important things that you can have in Sweden, along with your personal number; would be your Swedish identity card. Life without an approved ID card in Sweden, can get tiresome and troublesome, when your expected to prove your identity every time you use your credit/debit card, or you resort to carrying your passport around with you 24/7, risking loss or theft. Having a Swedish ID card will make many of your everyday transactions flow more efficiently. And if you are planning on living in Sweden, efficiency is sure to become your best friend:) Your Swedish ID card can be used to confirm your age and prove your identity; for example: when collecting prescription medication at a pharmacy, paying for goods by card, collecting your post or conducting banking business.

The Swedish National ID card is the most frequently used form of identification in Sweden, as it is essential to provide personal legitimation in many circumstances. Unfortunately, simply quoting your personal number is not enough. If you do not have a Swedish drivers license (which is another approved form of ID)  then you should consider applying for an identity card.

So, to get your ID card in Sweden …

Some conditions first:

  • Your ID card must meet the security requirements that apply to ID documents in Sweden. This means that you must confirm your identity to obtain your card.
  • You must have a personal identify number, a ‘personnummer’.
  • You must be at least 13 years of age.
  • You must be able to show an approved ID card e.g.: a Swedish driving licence or a valid Swedish residence permit.

How to apply:

  • Pay first – the fee for applying for an ID card is SEK 400. You have to pay in advance to ensure that they receive your fee before you come into the Skatteverket office (Swedish Tax Agency). Remember that it takes at least one working day for your payment to arrive.

Internet payments:

  • If you pay via the Internet: remember to quote your personal identity number in the field for messages/other information. Print out confirmation of the payment, as you will have to show it when you go to the office.
  • Bankgiro 389-0100 or
  • Plusgiro 50 40 62-1.

If paying from abroad, use the following codes:

  • IBAN (International Bank Account Number): SE30 9500 0099 6034 0504 0621


  • Visit one of the offices that issues ID cards, take your receipt of payment and your documentation (passport etc)
  • You will then be photographed and your height measured.
  • Expect it to take around two weeks for your card to be produced.
  • When the card is ready, you will receive a letter from Skatteverket. This will tell you that in five days, you will be able to collect your card from the office where you applied for it. They will hold it for no more than 2 months.
  • You must collect your card in person and take your letter from Skatteverket.
  • And if you happen to lose your card, you must immediately call: 020-32 32 62

So hopefully you will now be able to navigate another of these common bureaucratic processes with greater ease and avoid some of the pitfalls of ‘winging’ it , without an approved ID card in Sweden.

For a full list of Skatteverket offices and further reading: head to the Skatteverket website.



  • […] Your Living City we cover in detail each step you must take to obtain your Swedish ID card. Click here to follow that […]

  • […] Obtaining a Swedish ID card […]

  • […] Once you have a perssonnummer, you’ll need to carry around proof that you have it in the form of an ID card. […]

  • […] you have a perssonnummer, you’ll need to carry around proof that you have it in the form of an ID card. Be aware that these items will make your life in Stockholm a lot easier; do make them a priority […]

  • […] you have received your personnummer, you are ready to apply for a Swedish identity card. The Swedish ID card is the primary form of identification in Sweden and is necessary for […]

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