12 Feb 2025
Stockholm International Preschool List: Nov 2012
Education Preschool

Stockholm International Preschool List: Nov 2012

Choosing the right preschool for your child is a huge consideration anywhere, but the choice can be even trickier when you’re not on home turf. International schools are often a great option for parents who plan on staying for only a short term or where one parent has a language that is not Swedish. They have the ability to accommodate a diverse community of children who will attend from up to a few months to a number of years.

We have compiled a  list of all Stockholm’s international preschools in alphabetical order. Almost all the schools listed teach in English or another European language, but most of them use the Swedish curriculum. To make it easier for readers, we have indicated what language each school uses.

If we have missed anything or if any information needs to be updated, please let us know.

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Map of Stockholm’s International Preschools

Click on the map’s blue flags for the school’s name and information.

View Stockholm International Preschools in a larger map

List of Stockholm’s International Preschools

British International Primary School of Stockholm

Östra Valhallavägen 17, 182 68 Djursholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8-755 23 75

Curriculum/Language: British/English

Grades: Preschool, Grades 1-7

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.britishinternationalprimaryschool.se/

Map: Click Here

Bumble Bee

Baldersvägen 17, 145 70 Norsborg, Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8-530 632 90

Grades: Preschool (from ages 3-5)

Language: English/Swedish

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: http://skolor.botkyrka.se/Anemonen/VaraArbetslag/Arbetslag/Bumblebee/Sidor/default.aspx

Map: Click Here 

Crickets and Dragonflies -The English Pre-School

Rutger Fuchsgatan 9-11 , 116 67 , Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8-508 13 303

Grades: Preschool

Language: English

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: http://www.sodermalmsforskolor.se/englishpreschool/extern/crickets_and_dragonflies.htm

Map: Click Here

Deutsche Schule Stockholm

Karlavägen 25, 114 31 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8-679 98 44

Curriculum/language: German

Grades: Preschool & 1 -12

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.tyskaskolan.se

Map: Click Here

Europaskolan (Södermalm)

Gotlandsgatan 43, 116 65 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8-33 50 56 (info centre)

Language: Swedish/English

Grades: Preschool & 1 – 9

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.europaskolan.nu

Map: Click Here

Europaskolan (Lilla Europaskolan)

Renstiernas gata 12, 116 28 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8-33 50 56

Language: Swedish/English

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.europaskolan.nu

Map: Click Here

Europaskolan (Vasastan)

Luntmakargatan 10, 113 51 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8-33 50 56

Language: Swedish/English

Grades: Preschool – 5

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.europaskolan.nu

Map: Click Here

Engelska Skolan Norr (Engelska Förskolan)

Döbelnsgatan 52, 113 52 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8-441 85 95 (head of daycare)

Fax: +46 (0)8-673 2915

Curriculum/ Language: Swedish /English

Grades: Preschool -5 & 6 -9

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.esn.se

Map: Click Here

Finska Förskolan

Urvädersgränd 6B – 8, 116 46 Stockholm

Tel: 08-508 131 19 or 08-508 13 121

Grades: Preschool

Language: Finnish

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: http://www.soderforskolor.com/till/forskolor/f/index_.html

Map: Click Here

French Lycée (Lycée Français) Saint Louis de Stockholm

Essingestråket 24, 112 66 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8-441 30 30

Curriculum/Language : French

Grades: Preschool & 1 -12

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.lfsl.net

Map: Click Here

Franska skolan Ecole Francaise

Döbelnsgatan 9, Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0)8 -598 889 00

Grades: Preschool & 1-12

Curriculum/Language: Swedish/French

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.franskaskolan.se

Map: Click Here

Futuraskolan International Pre-School

Brunbärsvägen 7, 114 21 Stockholm

Tel: 08-674 00 60

Curriculum/Languages: English

Grades: Preschool

E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Web: www.futuraskolan.se

There are also Futura International preschools in Danderyd, Täby & Warfvinges Väg.

Map: Click Here

Futuraskolan International Pre-School

Brahegatan 45, 114 37 Stockholm

Tel: 08-661 16 00

Curriculum/Languages: English

Grades: Preschool

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.futuraskolan.se

There are also Futura International preschools in Danderyd, Täby & Warfvinges Väg.

Map: Click Here


Forskarbacken 14, 104 05 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8 508 106 86

Grades: Preschool

Language: English/Swedish

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: http://www.stockholm.se/-/Serviceenhetsdetaljer/?enhet=08dbac5d05b94686a80d78453de2a358

Map: Click Here

Greek Preschool Melissaki

Kocksgatan 27B, 126 24 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8 643 65 14 or 070-422 01 46

Grades: Preschool

Language: Greek

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.melissaki.se

Map: Click Here 

Humpty Dumpty Nursery School

Oxenstiernasgatan 31, 115 27 Stockholm

Tel: 08-663 16 35

Language: English

Grades: Preschool (12 months – 6 yrs. old)

About: Humpty Dumpty is a parent cooperative preschool, the primary aim of which is to provide an English language environment for the children of its members. The active participation of the parent members is vital to Humpty Dumpty’s successful operation. The close-knit working relationship and constant communication between the staff, the board, and the parents are the fundamental ideas upon which we build.The nursery employs six teaching staff. It is a priority for Humpty Dumpty to keep an experienced, highly educated and well-trained staff.

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.humptydumpty.se

Map: Click Here

Imagination International Pre-Schools

Sätraängsvägen 122 , 18235 Danderyd

Skytteholmsvägen 5, 171 44 Solna

Tel: 076-633 84 94 (Preschool director)

Language: English

Grades: Preschool (12 months – 6 yrs. old)

Info: click here for more information about Imagination International Pre-school

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.imaginationinternational.se

Map: Click Here

International School in Nacka (Fisksätraskolan)

Bräntvägen 1, Saltsjöbaden

Tel: +46 (0) 8 718 83 00 (school) or +46 (0) 8-718 83 05 (Förskolechef – Barbro Agnhage)

Fax: +46 (0) 8 718 83 02

Grades: Preschool – grade 9

Language: English/Swedish

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.isn.nacka.se

Map: Click Here 

Johannes Skola

Roslagsgatan 61, 113 54 Stockholm

Tel: 08-508 445 00

Fax: 08-508 445 20

Grades: Kindergarten + 1 – 6

Curriculum/ Language: Curriculum based on the Swedish course plan / classes in Swedish as well as bilingual classes in English/Swedish.

About: Native English-speaking teachers provide education in English as a second language in the Swedish classes and teach half of the subjects in the bilingual classes.

Contact : Ingrid Sahl, [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.johannesskola.stockholm.se

Map: Click Here

Les Mélodies

Linnégatan 78-80, 115 23 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 70 792 10 42

Grades: Preschool

Language: French

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: http://www.lesmelodies.se

Map: Click Here

Les P’tits Choux

Frejgatan 85, 113 26 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8 33 12 20

Grades: Preschool (Children separated into 2 groups: ages 1-3 and 4-6)

Language: French

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.lesptitschoux.se

Map: Click Here

Lilla Montessori Nursery School

Danavägen 3, 182 60 Djursholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8-755 00 11

Ages: (2 -4 years old)

Map: Click Here

Montessoriförskolan Bellmanskällan Parent Co-op Nursery School

The Secret Garden

Brådstupsvägen 9, 129 39 Hägersten

Tel: +46 (0) 8-97 32 05

Ages: 3-5 year-olds

Map: Click Here

Mother Goose Preschool Kungsholmen

S:t Göransgatan 152 , 112 51 Stockholm

Tel: 070-954 64 04

Grades: Preschool

Language: Swedish/ English

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.mothergoose.nu

Map: Click Here

Mother Goose International Preschool Ostermalm (Gärdet)

Kampementsgatan 16, 115 38 Stockholm

Tel: 070-954 64 04

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.mothergoose.nu

Map: Click Here

Mother Goose International Preschool Kista

Isafjordsgatan 30 A, ground floor, 164 40 Kista

Tel: 070-954 64 04

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.mothergoose.nu

Map: Click Here

Olympen Skolor & Forskola (3 campasses)

Jungfrugatan 51-53, 115 31 Stockholm (Svea Torn)

Stickelbärsvägen 3B (Ruddamen)

Stora Mans väg 11B, Älvsjö (Långbro Park)

Tel: 08-664 06 31

Grades: Preschool & 1- 9

Language: Swedish/English

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.olympen.se

Map: Click Here

Planet Kids Nursery School

Gyllenstiernasgatan 15, 115 26 Stockholm

Tel: 08-662 14 68

Grades: Preschool co operative (1 1/2 – 6 yrs. old)

Language: English

Web: http://www.planetkids.se

Map: Click Here

Pysslingen Förskolan Katrineberg

Katrinebergsbacken 24, 117 61 Stockholm

Tel: 08-68 11 890

Curriculum/Language: Swedish/English

Grades: Preschool

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: http://www.pysslingen.se/katrineberg

Map: Click Here

Spanska skolan Colegio Español

Västra vägen 7 C/11 C (terrassplan), Solna

Tel: 08-82 44 65 or 07-019 077 64

Grades: Preschool & 1-5

Curriculum/Language: Spanish/Swedish

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.spanskaskolan.se

Map: Click Here

Stockholms Internationella Montessoriskola

Konradsbergsgatan 24, 11259 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 7 05 48 48 08

Curriclum: IB

Grades: Preschool & 1- 8

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.stims.se

Map: Click Here

Stockholm International School

Johannesgatan 18, 111 38 STOCKHOLM

Tel: +46 (0)8-412 4000

Curriculum/language: IB/ English

Grades: Preschool ages 3-5, Grades 1 – 12

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: http://www.intsch.se

Map: Click Here

Svenskafinska förskolan Två tungor

Idungatan 3 – 5, 113 45 Stockholm

Tel/Fax: 08-30 75 67

Grades: Preschool

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.tvatungor.se

Map: Click Here

The Tanto International School

Flintbacken 20, 118 42 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8 669 71 71

Fax: +46 (0) 8 668 60 07

Grades: Preschool & 1- 7

Curriculum/Language: We have the British system and show the English National Curriculum with adaptations to suit our international student body. All teaching is done in English. However, Swedish is taught mainly from Year 4 and onwards.

Info: We are a small, multi-cultural, family run school with great emphasis on high academic standards as well as developing social skills. We work hard with all children to teach respect for themselves and others, good manners and the importance of having fun while learning.

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: http://www.tantoschool.se

Map: Click Here

Trilingua AB

Swedenborgsgatan 14, 104 62 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0) 8-420 188 00

Grades: Preschool

Curriculum/Language: French / English / Swedish

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: http://www.trilingua.se/

Map: Click Here

Vittra i Luma Park

Lumaparksvägen 12, 120 31 Stockholm

Tel: 08-556 949 50

Curriculum/Language: Swedish/English

Grades: Preschool & 1 – 3

E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Web: www.vittra.se

Map: Click Here

Vittra i Sjöstaden

Lugnets Allé 60, 120 68 Stockholm

Tel: 08-556 979 60

Curriculum/Languages: Swedish/English

Grades: Preschool & 1 – 9

E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Web: www.vittra.se

Map: Click Here

Vittra i Lidingö

Vesslevägen 3, 181 45, Lidingö

Tel: 08-636 28 70

Curriculum/Languages: Swedish/English

Grades: Preschool & 1 -9

E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Web: www.vittra.se

Map: Click Here

Vittra i Rösjötorp

Lomvägen 100, 192 56 Sollentuna

Tel: +46 8 585 755 61

Curriculum/Languages: Swedish/English

Grades: Preschool & 1 – 5

E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Web: www.vittra.se

Map: Click Here

Vittra i Telefonplan

Snickerigatan 4, Hägersten

Tel: +46 (0) 8-681 69 80

Grades: Preschool & 1 – 5

E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Web: www.vittra.se

Map: Click Here

Something missing? Incorrect? Simply contact us and let us know! We will be updating our list continually and aim to make this the best reference for international schooling in Stockholm!

Research & maps: Carmel Heiland


  • Dave 8 Aug 2011

    One of the biggest misleading claims that often causes confusion in education in Sweden is the term “international”. Sweden has a very specific curriculum which varies greatly from actual international education. At present only 2 schools that I know of offer international education and they are both private.

    • Morgan 8 Aug 2011

      Dave, thanks for that. 🙂

      We totally agree with you. We had such a hard time classify the many schools we researched. It’s true that almost all the schools we have on this list teach in English or another European language, but most of them use the Swedish curriculum. To make it easier for readers, we have indicated what language and what what style of curriculum each school uses.

      I wonder what other problems do foreigners encounter when trying to find a school for their kids? Any suggestions?

    • Tanja 27 Jan 2013

      Can I ask you to give the names of these two international schools? Thank you very much.

      • Farrah Gillani 27 Jan 2013

        I believe the two schools that Dave is referring to are Stockholm International School and British International Primary School of Stockholm.

  • nina aronsson 13 Oct 2011

    i am trying to find a good pre-school for my 3 year old boy, we have tried the state förskolan but we are very dissapointed with it as there is absolutely no structure and my son was quite frankly bored stiff during his time there. He has still to produce a painting of some sort, the same toys are expected to be played with all the time, no story time and no dressing up/role play. i live in Skaraborg and was wondering where i could find a montessori or a very good pre-school that will meet my sons needs.

  • Hamsah 18 Jan 2012

    My child is 3.6year. I am a medical student and stay in sweden 5 year.I liv in Huddinge commune.Min quedtion is what is the nearest and best english school to my child?

    Best regard


  • S. Asif 28 Jan 2012


    My friend is planning to move to Sweden, Her boys are in secondary and you are absolutely right, it is very difficult to assess what’s on offer for international students. Her oldest is in year 12, currently with Edexcel international board and the other boy is in year 8. Any information would be very helpful for them.

    S. Asif

  • monica 18 Mar 2012

    futura internatinal school of stockholm is the best international school. I have 2 boys and they are going there for 3 years.

    • Tessa 5 Apr 2012

      You are writing about the pre-school and not the grade school…since the grade school has only been open since August 2011.

  • […] Stockholm international pre-schools: 2011 […]

  • Lily Pumar 25 Mar 2012

    I am a Pre school teacher been teaching in California USA from 1990 till 2004 and been teaching for a couple of years in Czech Rep and China I have a Diploma in Early Childhood and a Master in Education. Am familiar with the American, British and IB PYP program. Just need help in searching for a job here Sweden. Any sugggestions and recommendations is greatly appreciated. I can send my CV/resume for review. Thanks xxx

    • Yeliz 16 Apr 2012


      I don’t know if you have found a job already. When my kid was attending Vittra Rosjotorp’s kindergarden they always seem to need native english speaker preschool teachers. I believe it’s worth a try to apply or just to contact for that matter. The principal’s name is Dominique but I don’t recall her last name. I’m sure it’ll be on their web site. http://www.vittra.se

      Good luck!

  • […] Stockholm international pre-schools: 2011Europaskolan Söder (Soder & Vasastan) … Lilla Montessori Nursery School …. was wondering where i could find a montessori or a very good pre-school that will … […]

  • syed 5 Aug 2012


    I live in Flemingsberg and looking for english preschool, any lead?



    • Douskou 24 Jun 2014

      Yes, there are many in the area. Search for Huddinge Kommun to get one closer.

  • […] the majority of Stockholm’s preschools here. Yourlivingcity also provides a fantastic list of the international preschools within Stockholm here. It’s also worth talking to everyone in your area, your föraldrer (mother) group, the BVC, and […]

  • […] Maternity and Paternity Leave in Sweden Choosing a Preschool in Stockholm Stockholm International Preschools […]

  • […] the city, look into the Stockholm Volunteering Project or have a look at English speaking preschools in the area, where you may find a vacancy and Swedish may not be a requirement. At the very least, it will help […]

  • […] worth familiarising yourself with the Swedish education system and calling up either a school or preschool that you’re interested in applying for in advance. If your family includes a four legged […]

  • […] If you’re wanting an international option, we at Your Living City have compiled a list of both international preschools and International Schools for you to look at. For young adults of university age, there are a […]

  • Belle 14 Feb 2013

    Hi, we are planning to move to Stockholm this Summer and my daughter will be 2 then. What long are waitinglists for these schools ? We won’t have a lot of them as I would like her to start right away.

  • Veronika 24 Feb 2013

    I am applying for one year course in Stockholm and will get the acceptance letter in June – the school starts in mid-August. I am a single mom to a 4 yo daughter – how on earth am I gonna get a personal number for her so fast so she could start at pre-school in August? My only hope right now is international schools – maybe you guys don’t require that number?

    How do others do who move to work/study in Sweden and need to get their kids looked after? In Norway the give out fictive numbers for such cases but it is impossible to find any information in Swedish sites..

  • julia 28 Feb 2013

    hi, does anybody have experience with Futuraskola international pre- school in Kungsholmen? I’ll be happy to get your opinion

    • Maria 12 Jul 2013

      I would definitely not send my child to Elma School . This is International School as they state on their website,however it is mostly Arabic. The choice for the food for kids is either Halal or vegetarian.Be aware that not all the International schools are International ones.

      Go to the school to see what kind of kids are attending or what is the atmosphere before enrolling.Chceck also whether the teachers have qulifications. It happens that teachers have no pedagogical backround and they are teaching English your kids.

      • Tatiana 26 Feb 2014

        If there are a lot of children whose mother tongue is arabic so it doesn’t mean that this school is not international. As I know Elma School has a bilingual curriculum, i.e. they have two languages of instruction – English and Swedish and they have ” double” curriculum. It means that children study all the subjects in two languages simultaneously. As for the food- what is the problem with halal food? The only difference between the “ordinarie” and “halal” is that ” halal” excludes pork. Most important that food is nutritious for the children.
        And if you have any prejudices about some special group of the children who have a background from some special part of the world so then, probably, an international school is not something you have to look for your children.

        • emily 5 Aug 2014

          Tatiana do your children go to Elma?

      • emily 5 Aug 2014

        Hi Maria
        Did your children go to Elmas for a while then or did you just visit?

  • […] International Preschool Listing in Stockholm […]

  • […] Stockholm international pre-schools […]

  • […] English speaking preschools in Sweden […]

  • Alicia Samson 13 Aug 2013

    Hi there,

    thank you for a great post!

    I’m interested in sending my daughter to the Stockholm Internationalla Montessoriskola. Does anybody have personal feedback on this school?

    • Farrah Gillani 13 Aug 2013

      I have moved now, but my daughter attended the school and I have only praise for our experience there. The school’s main language of instruction is English, but they had one teacher in the group who spoke only English to the children and had ‘English Fridays’. They also teach Chinese and are dedicated to that. The building is beautiful, the teachers are fantastic, the Montessori approach is wonderful. it is a school, where your child will get a tailor-made program to achieve an education of the highest standard. Wish we were still there!

  • zelia 13 Aug 2013

    How long does it take to get a place in one of those preschools? We’re moving in a month or so and are desperately looking for childcare for our 2 years old.

    We won’t have our personnummers before me move in and we’re both planning to start work as soon as we arrive. We were told we couldn’t apply without a personnummer.

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you!

  • Mitzi 17 Sep 2013

    Hi I am currently looking for a job right now possibly as an pre school assistant, is there anyone who can help me and give suggestions what pre school is looking for an assistant in sweden? Thank you

  • […] system in general to help you make decisions.You may decide that you want your child to go to an international preschool; perhaps even one that feeds into an International School or you may prefer a local one; it’s […]

  • […] worth familiarising yourself with the Swedish education system and calling up either a school or preschool that you’re interested in applying for in advance. If your family includes a four legged […]

  • Pakar SEO 22 Sep 2014

    Everything is very open with a very clear description of the challenges.
    It was definitely informative. Your website is useful. Thanks for sharing!

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  • Nadeeb 7 Oct 2014

    Does anyone has any idea about English preschool in Södertälje?

  • Hier 8 Oct 2014

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  • Louise 7 Jan 2015

    I’m not one to post negatively online, but I feel somewhat compelled to warn families about Elma International school. As a former employee, I was shocked by how the school was run: a lot of the staff aren’t qualified, there is no sense of structure with the childrens day or education; and most importantly, there is an overall lack of management. There are also a lot of unethical isues that the staff are faced with: such as lack of payment etc. I’m actually shocked to see that this school is on this list and still open!

  • Priyanka 27 Jan 2015

    I live in Farsta and work in Hotoreget. I am looking for a International english speaking school for my 2 years old daughter. Can anyone help me suggesting good schools nearby to Farsta or Hotoreget?

  • Noa 6 Jul 2015

    I also would like to warn parents about Elma School. Don’t be fooled by the “international” part of the name or the fact that it has some sort of Montessori teaching, as promoted on its website. They go by the Swedish curriculum, although from what I’ve seen, no teaching or learning is achieved anyway, due to the behavior of a lot of the students there.

    My children attended this school for a short period and were so unhappy. We are from USA and my children learned barely any Swedish. I followed them for half day and couldn’t get over the lack of discipline in the school and the behaviour of the so-called “principal” who yelled at both staff and students the day I was there. I pulled my children out and put them into a proper school where they are happy and thrive. There are plenty of schools out there that have both English and Swedish as their languages of instruction. Check on the Stockholm website and look at things such as survey results and percentage of students eligible for Gymnasium. These things say a lot about the school!

  • Puria 21 Feb 2017

    I am currently living in Quebec, Canada and planning to move to Stockholm. French per-school is what I am looking for my daughter of age 2. I see there are a couple of them referenced here but there is no hint on how long usually the waiting list tent to be and also the daily/weekly/monthly compensation.
    Thanks for any hints!

    • Hi! The waiting times tend to vary, it’s better if you send a mail to the school of your choice to get the accurate answer from them. About compensations, those are arranged by the government.

  • maja trupina 19 May 2017

    Hi! Anyone knows any international kindergartens in Motala,Sweden,I’m a preschool teacher and moving there and looking for a job.

  • Dominique 16 Dec 2017

    This list was so helpful– even in 2017! Thank you so much for compiling it!

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