12 Feb 2025
What to do over Höstlov & Halloween 2013
What's on: Kids What's on: Stockholm

What to do over Höstlov & Halloween 2013

Höstlov, the autumn half-term in Swedish schools, often coincides with Halloween and this year is no exception. Everyone can dress up in their favourite costumes, eat lots of candy and participate in some of the great events going on in the city.


Halloween celebrations at Kungsträdgården

Spooky fun for all the family at this central location. For four days, there will be crafts, the chance to try sports, storytelling, tours and much more!

Age Group: all ages

When: Tuesday 29th October to Friday 1st November

Where: Kungsträdgården, City

Cost: Free


Folklore and Magic at Skansen

Experience the magical days and eerie nights this autumn break with exciting treks among elves and goblins, spooky tales of ghosts, ghosts and subterranean creatures, scary horror movies and walks in the darkness (limited seats, so please book). Come if you dare!

Age Group: All ages, but use your judgement if your child is easily scared!

When: Saturday 26th October to Sunday 3rd November

Sat 26th – Sun 27th Oct: 11:00-16:00

Mon 28th Oct: 10:00-16:00

Tue 29th Oct: 10:00-21:00

Wed 30th Oct: 10:00-16:00

Thu 31st Oct: 10:00-21:00

Fri 1st Nov: 10:00-16:00

Sat 2nd – Sun 3rd Nov: 11:00-16:00

Where: Skansen, Djurgårdsslätten 49-51, Djurgården

Cost: Adults: 100 SEK, Children from 6-15: 60 SEK, Children under 6: Free



Saturday the 2nd November marks SHOCKHOLM – Stockholm’s biggest Halloween Parade, and everyone is welcome! The Parade starts at Slussen and will then move along Skeppsbron until we finally reach Kungsträdgården, where there will be entertainment and activities, including the KaramellKungen Haunted Fiskdamm, which will include 1,000 kilos of candy  that people will need to ‘trick or treat’ to get. It doesn’t cost anything to be a part of all the fun. The only thing expected of you is a creative, scary or funny costume or outfit to enter the parade. A prize will be awarded to the person with the best costume!

Age Group: All age groups

When: Saturday 2nd November from 14:00

Where: The festivities begin at Slussen at between 14:00; the parade departs from there at 16:00 and goes along Skeppsbron to be terminated with a party at Kungsträdgården from 16:30 to 20:00

Cost: Free


Autumn Fun at Skokloster Castle

Fun for everyone at this beautiful castle. There will be family tours, children’s workshops and night tours by flashlight:

Tours: daily at. 11:15, 12:15, 13:15 14:15 and 15:00

The children’s workshop is themed “Press your own patterns.” You may print patterns on rustic bags using a template or with self-constructed matrices.

A more exciting special tour,”If walls could talk”, will  be on every day at 16 when the darkness settled over the castle. This display needs to be booked in advance!

When: Saturday 26th October to Sunday 3rd November

Where: Skoklosters slott, 746 96 Skokloster (1 hour drive from Stockholm)

Age Group: suitable for all ages

Cost: 70 SEK for adults; Under 18s – free (pay separately for workshop and tours)


Viking ships at the Maritime Museum

This year’s autumn break at the Maritime museum will have the theme “Viking ships”. There will be guided tours and activities where the whole family can learn more and be inspired by the beautiful ships.

How did the Vikings build their ships? How did they use them? Where did they sail? Our creative workshop is open every day, where you can build your own Viking ship, along with a scavenger hunt.

When: Saturday 26th October to Sunday 3rd November from 11:00 to 17:00.

Where: Sjöhistoriska Museet, Djurgårdsbrunnsvägen 24 115 27 Stockholm (Best way of getting here is via bus 69)

Age group: suitable for all ages

Cost: Free admission for all. Workshop material cost: 30 SEK per child.


Reproduced from musik- och teatermuseet. Photo Credit: David Berner
Reproduced from musik- och teatermuseet. Photo Credit: David Berner

Theatre-masks Workshop

Create your own mask at the theatre’s own workshop. Note, you must pick-up tickets on the day at 12 noon.

Age Group: from 10-15 years

When: Tuesday 29th October to Friday 1st November from 14:00 to 16:00.

Where: Musik- och teatermuseet, Sibyllegatan 2, Östermalm

Cost: Adults: 70 SEK, Children: Free (Workshop: 50 SEK)


Skeleton-themed Workshop

Inspired by the celebration of the Day of the Dead in Mexico, the Ethnographic Museum has a workshop dedicated to making skeletons, skulls and flowers.

Age Group: 5-12 years

When: Sunday 27th October, Tuesday 29th October to Sunday 3rd November from 12:00 to 16:30

Where: Etnografiska museet, Djurgårdsbrunnsvägen 34, Djurgården

Cost: Adults: 60 SEK, Children: Free (workshop – 50 SEK)


Halloween & Autumn Break at the City Library

Create your own bookFor three days, you will experience what it is like to be an author, illustrator and bookbinder. Write a spooky story, draw illustrations and binding the whole into a real book!

Day 1 : Writing workshop with author Erika Vallin.

Day 2 : Drawing workshop with illustrator Johan Egerkrans.

Day 3 : Bookbinding with Linda Gimle, Animal Book & Paper workshop.

There is no cost to attend, but places are limited. Book your place via 08-508 30 900. You register in the first instance to the whole course, i.e. all three days.

There is also the opportunity to make your own Halloween cards and other  spooky crafts. Drop in from 28th Oct to 1st Nov from 9:00 to 19:00.

Age Group: crafts for all ages; writing workshop for over 10s

When: Crafts – Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November;  Workshop from Monday 28th to Wednesday 30th October from 10:00 to 13:00

Where: Stockholms Stadsbibliotek, Sveavägen 73, Vasastan

Cost: Free


Water Chemistry at the Nobel Museum

During the autumn break, you get to experiment with water at the Nobel Museum! For everyone to have good water, it needs to be purified in various ways; in our open workshop, we will test the water with chemicals. You will also learn more about the water in our body and experiment with dialysis tubing!

Age Group: from 6-11 years

When: Tuesday 29th October to Sunday 3rd November from 13:00 to 16:00

Where: Nobelmuseet, Stortorget 2, 103 16 Stockholm

Cost: Adults: 100 SEK each, Under 18s: free


Animation Workshop at Unga Cinamateket

For week 44, Unga Cinamteket will be showing and animated film every day and there will be an animation workshop on the Tuesday and Wednesday. Everything is, of course, as usual, free for kids!

Animation Workshop: We teach the kids learn the basics of making animated films by using the “cut out”. Everyone will create their own character and they will be brought to life by moving them a little bit between shots filmed. We add dialogue, music and sound effects, and editing the film in simple animation program. It’s fine to drop in anytime during the workshop hours, no registration needed. The finished films will be posted on www.cinemateket.se two weeks after the autumn break. In addition, students from Tumba gymnasium on site in Film House foyer and shows how to make the traditional “cell animation”.

Age Group: Workshop suitable for 7-13 year olds.

When: Free animation: Monday 28th October to Sunday 3rd November

Free animation workshop

Tuesday, October 29th 13:00 to 4:00 p.m. Movie house foyer

Wednesday, October 30 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Movie house foyer

Where: Filmhuset, Borgvägen 1-5 115 53 Stockholm

Cost: Free for under 18s


Scary Plants at Bergianska

Toxic, spiky, sticky, lumpy plants thrive in the greenhouse heat. Can you find them?

Age Group: from 5-12 years

When: Saturday 26th October – Sunday 3rd November from 11:00 to 16:00 daily.

Where: Edvard Andersons växthus, Bergianska trädgården, Gustafsborgsvägen 4

Cost: Adults: 65 SEK, Under 16s: Free



Costume Boutiques in Stockholm

Smozle AB/Skrattkammaren

Roslagsgatan 22

113 55 Stockholm

Drottninggatan 57, 111 21 Stockholm
Independent Kostym
Palermog. 17, SE-115 56 Stockholm
Bodega Party Butiken
Party Prylar



Night Clubs in Stockholm

Spy Bar
www.sturecompagniet.se – Birger Jarlsgatan 20, Östermalm, Stockholm – 08-545 076 00
Café Opera
www.cafeopera.se – Karl XII:s torg, Stockholm – 08-676 58 07
AB Lady Patricia
www.patricia.st – Stadsgårdskajen 152, Stockholm – 08-743 05 70
Södra Teatern
www.sodrateatern.com – Mosebacke 3, Stockholm – 08-531 994 00
www.sturecompagniet.se – Sturegatan 4, Östermalm, Stockholm – 08-545 076 70
Le Bon Palais
www.lebonpalais.se – Barnhusgatan 12 11123 Stockholm – 08-20 84 71
Hells Kitchen
www.stureplansgruppen.se – Sturegatan 4 11435 Stockholm – 08-545 076 75
www.stureplansgruppen.se Kungsgatan 18 11135 Stockholm – 08-545 076 02
White Room
www.stureplansgruppen.se – Jakobsbergsgatan 29 11144 Stockholm – 08-545 07 665
http://www.kolingsborg.se – Kolingsborgs Källare, 116 45 Stockholm – 08-643 39 46


For more October treats

Trick-or-treat your Swedish street

What’s on and Where to Go: October

What’s on and Where to Go with Kids: October


  • Cassandra 10 Oct 2012

    Are those night clubs doing a Halloween event, or are they just nightclubs in Stockholm?

  • Farrah Gillani 11 Oct 2012

    Hi Cassandra! These are just some night clubs in Stockholm that we think would provide a great night out around this period.

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